Chapter 7- Twinning

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I bounce straight to the bikini section inside the swimwear store with Diana following me close behind. A short and chubby, middle-aged lady with a red fanny bag approaches us with a huge smile on her face.

"Hello, Maganda! (Beautiful). Can I help you find something specific?"

"Hello... po! It's fine. We're just looking for some cute outfit!"

"Suit yourselves then," she cheerfully presents all the lined clothing racks. For some reason, she reminds me of Jollibee, the adorable bee that represents the most popular Filipino fast-food restaurant chain in the Philippines, alongside McDonald's because of her chubbiness and jolly demeanor. I really like their spaghetti and burger, by the way. Ugh, speaking of food— I'm starving already, but my compulsion wants me to buy another cute bikini!

I watch Diana as she excitedly starts to pick up numerous items from the racks then immediately proceeds to put them down as if they are the most horrible items she has ever seen. I bet she also wants to buy another one right now.

After a brief searching from all the bikinis, I immediately found a gorgeous one-piece strappy bikini with a key-hole design.

"Oh my gosh, look at this one, Diana!" I call her out. She lifts her head up from choosing through the items from the other side.

"Wow, that looks nice, Franki!" She walks back to me with her eyes lighting up as she inspects the item that I'm showing her, "It's really gorgeous."

"I know, right?"

"Come on, you should try it." she urges. After asking Ms. Jollibee about the direction of the fitting room, I let Diana drag me towards there. It has a full-length wall mirror inside, which is one of my favorite things in the whole world. I always love to check myself out in the mirror. I mean, almost all girls do, right? But I am always transparent about it. It's like I always need to make sure that I look good because I feel the best when I'm presentable.

I notice Diana's eyes not leaving the sexy garment...which made me change my mind as soon as we reach the small room. I step back and push her inside the small space before joining her in there. Her eyes widen with a gasp when I reach for the hook of her bra behind her.

"What are you doing?" she snaps down at me while I'm almost hugging her. I just then realize that our faces are so close right now I even caught the smell of her minty breath.

"This piece is so sexy. I think it will suit you more." I mumble huskily right up her face. Gosh, she really is so sexy and tall.

She tilts her face away from me before respondiny,

"What? No. I don't need another one, Franki. I thought you came here to buy for yourself?"

"Come on, girl. I know you like it more than I do. I'll pick one for myself after this anyway," I insist to unhook her bra but she really doesn't want me to do it. She keeps on leaning her body away from me.

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