Chapter 2- Ms. Sleepyhead

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I groan at the feeling of someone's lips trailing on the back of my neck.

"Wake up, Sleepyhead!" David's voice is so loud I think it pierced the center of my brain like a freaking rusty needle. Gosh, my eyes are so heavy I don't think I can open them right now.

"Gimme five minutes..." I croak against the pillow.

"Your five minutes means five hours, Babe. It's time for breakfast. Wakey wakey!" David starts to tickle me, sending me into fits of weak, husky giggles but I really couldn't open my eyes.

"This is really hard...Please. I still want to sleep." I am literally begging while covering my ears.

He is silent for a few seconds before I hear him speaking again,

"Okay, fine. Enjoy dreamland, Sleepyhead!" He sounds annoyed this time, but I didn't bother to answer anymore.

My boyfriend is a little bit strict with time sometimes and I don't like it. Judging from the rays of sunlight glaring down at me through the curtain blinds, I can tell that it's already around ten in the morning.

Yesterday was a blast. After eating the food his sister Diana had prepared for us which was really good, by the way, David and I fixed our stuff and placed them all in their designated places. His unit looks so neat and smells really nice, maybe because a woman has been living here for the past year. Everything looks so fancy and expensivefrom the paintings on the wall to the furniture and displays. The interior design itself screams perfection. The living room, which is adjacent to the kitchen, has a huge flat TV installed on the wall and a floor-to-ceiling window in the side. Both bedrooms are of the same size and Diana is staying on the other one.

After our splendid lunch, David managed to bring me to Bonifacio Global City to have our initial tour and I enjoyed it despite being really groggy. I then immediately fell into a very deep slumber the moment my body reached the bed around ten in the evening.

David was gone when I finally opened my eyes and I'm not sure how many minutes had passed since he tried to wake me up a while ago because the ambiance feels different this time.

My body is still listless and my head kind of hurts. Give me about a week and my body clock will be fully adjusted to the time here.

The smell of chicken and something interesting prompted me to finally get up. I put on a white robe and head out of the room to look for my boyfriend.

I freeze in my tracks upon seeing Diana gracing the kitchen like it's her own domain.

The first thing I notice is her long and straight hair while she is searching for something in the cupboard. Mine's a little wavy and thick and the sight of her hair makes me wish that it was as pretty as hers. I look at my reflection in the small mirror on the wall beside me and wince at the sight of my hair. It looks like there was a volcano that has just erupted behind my head, making me look like a baby lion.

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