Chapter 4- Movie Buddies

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It's officially my first week here in the Philippines and so far, I'm loving it. David and I had just finished eating our early dinner at a Japanese restaurant in Uptown mall and I feel like my tummy is going to burst any minute from now. He has a photoshoot for a men's fashion magazine near the area but I was not in the mood to tag along. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

What's new to that?

I was able to convince him to drop me home because I told him that I have diarrhea. In that way, he wouldn't be able to say "no". Oh my gosh, I'm so smart.

The little wince in his face when I told him that I cannot hold it a little longer anymore was adorable. He tried to persuade me to release everything in one of the mall's toilets but I told him that my ass only approves home toilets so he finally gave in.

I am chuckling in triumph as I finally enter our unit alone. My smile quickly vanishes when the gloomy and quiet ambiance embraces me. Diana's bedroom door is open so I peek into it and swallow hard when I realize that there are no signs of her here, and everywhere.

Oh my gosh. I am alone tonight!

For a moment, I regret going home first. What if there are actually bad and naughty ghosts in here?

My eyes were wide open when I took a quick shower. I'm really afraid to close them because every time I do, there's a monster popping in behind my eyelids.

My goodness, Frances! You're twenty-four already!

This is all Diana's fault. I was so brave to force David to drop me home because I really thought his sister was here!

After brushing my teeth, I quickly change into my comfort clothes and envelope myself with the warm and thick comforter in the bed. One definition of heaven for me is a bed with a thick comforter and blasting cold AC in the room while I pretend to be a fetus.

And now, it's the start of something amazing; sleep.

A rustling noise outside made me open my eyes again. I'm not sure how long I have slept or...was it a nap?

With sleepy eyes sitting on my pale face, I slowly get up from the bed and tiptoe my way out of our bedroom. I'm silently praying that it's Diana or David and not some ghosts or deadly burglars...or worse, rapist. Oh my gawd.

I discreetly peek into her bedroom and finally, I start to breathe properly upon seeing her.

She has her back on me, and she's topless.

She's taking off her bra when I finally speak in a not so soft voice.

"Ooh, nice back you got there, girl. Me likey!"

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