Chapter 11- The Sexy Señorita

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Boracay is also well known for its vibrant, seven days a week nightlife so whenever I get the chance to be here, I always drown myself in one of their nightclubs. This time, I'm trying Epic, which sits right in the center, next to D'mall and in front of the beach in Station 2.

We tried almost all of the boat activities this afternoon as well as the sunset cruise and for some reason, I didn't really enjoy them. It was an exhilarating experience of course, but I was a bundle of bothered nerves most of the time. Sky had been by my side all the time. He was really clingy and flooded my ears with all the trivia he can muster from all the things he can see around us. Yeah, I get it– he's a genius but he always keeps on flexing every single information that he can pull out from his brain. He also kept on recollecting some of our childhood memories—even the most nonsense shit. Like hello? Pakihanap ng pake ko please? (Do I look like care?)

I also get goosebumps whenever he becomes romantic because it really doesn't suit him. Something is wrong with his intentions. He always gives me vague answers whenever I ask him about his dating history. He told me that he had one serious girlfriend and that was like four years ago and he has not seen or dated anyone after that. I mean, is that even possible?

I also sometimes catch him smiling while he's on his phone. I know that smile. Despite our previous gap, he's still the Sky that David and I have known and I am familiar with that colorful smile of his. Something is up with him and I really can't feel his sincerity at all. 

I sit on the barstool and ordered some shots of tequila. I slightly bob my head to the beat of the DJ's music which is easing my jagged nerves. I immediately gulp my drink down as soon as it has arrived and drum my fingers on the table, impatiently waiting for something I don't even know. I suddenly miss my partying squad—the wine nights and crazy midnights with them, and Veronica has always been a part of it.

I have always been into wild parties. Partying gives me this certain euphoric feeling. Whenever I hear the booming bass of the club's music and the alcohol in my system, all my inhibitions will be automatically gone. Clubs and bars are places that I can have a temporary escape from life.

Actually, I am not used to clubbing without my squad and tonight is just the perfect example because it feels different. I feel sad and disappointed, and something is telling me that it's not because I'm alone.

I clear my mind as I let the warm, woozy pleasures of the alcohol stir through my system. I badly need this. I really do...

I heave a deep sigh when Franki's angelic face starts to invade my mind again.

She is with my brother right now. Actually, since this afternoon. They locked themselves up in his hotel room and for some reason, it pisses me off. David is her boyfriend, of course, and I have to always remind myself about that. My bitch face mode was on the entire night and I know that Sky is still familiar with it that's why he chose to pamper himself in the nearest spa and I took the chance to change into my black shirt and denim jacket and headed straight here in this club to loosen myself up. I badly want to smoke and drink.

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