Chapter 13- Doomed

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Being on top of Franki is like being suspended over a beach of fire filled with floating lilies. If you'll not pull yourself up, you'll die.

But the drunk yet intimate look she is giving me right now is making me want to get burned alive and the glint of desire in her eyes is giving me a hard time suppressing mine.

With all the self-control that I can muster at this very moment, I pull myself up, but only to gasp when she pulled me back and my nose landed on the side of her face.

"Stay...please," she whispers in her voice which always kills me inside. She is gazing into my lips through her glassy, bedroom eyes like she is dying to taste them, making everything inside of me tremble in the anticipation.

"Your lips look yum..." she mouths as her fingers reach for my lower lip to caress it like it is the most delicate and fascinating thing she has ever gazed upon.

"Y-you don't really mean that, don't you?" I want to slap myself to check if this is not just another fantasy or dream of mine...

"'re obviously dr—"

"Just shut the F up and kiss me, Diana." she cuts me off with dominance blazing in her beautiful light brown eyes.

I swallow hard at what I just heard. The tremble and aching between my legs became even more intense. I adjust myself on top of her, my chest crushing onto her soft, bigger ones while I intently look at her. God, I so want this so bad. So bad it hurts...

My breathing hikes when she pulls my face down with eagerness and I felt like my soul has separated from my body the moment our lips finally touched.

God, she tastes way more delicious than I have ever imagined.

"Hmmm..." she lazily moans into my mouth as I pant with overflowing lust. I lift my fingers up to caress the softness of her poreless cheek while my other hand automatically trails down the smoothness of her upper thigh through the slit of her silky dress.

The fusion of our hot breaths as I continue to explore the warmth of her mouth is making me lose my mind and myself. My wet lips slide down to her jaw, and down to the side of her neck while I savor her intoxicating sweet scent. I'm increasingly becoming more aroused and all I want to do is to tear her dress off right now, but I have to control myself.

She drops her head back hard against the pillow and calls out my name as my fingers teasingly crawl towards the hotness between her thighs...


God, her husky voice is pure perfection.

I am about to slip my fingers inside her panties when I notice her arms around me becoming limp, and then dropping to her side. I lift my head up only to see that she's not moving anymore. Her eyes are now shut closed and her lips slightly parted.

"Franki?" I call out while breathing raggedly, but unfortunately, I didn't get any reply. Her soft, steady breathing continue to fan my face before it finally hit me.

She really is wasted and had fallen asleep.

My condolences, D.

I smirk in bitterness before flipping over to my back on the space beside her. I then cover my face with my hands in frustration.

Tangina. Ano'ng nangyari?

My eyes start to become watery as these intense feelings keep flowing out of my mind. This is the first time that I have felt this way and I don't think I'm handling it very well.

Discovering Diana (lesbian/bisexual)Where stories live. Discover now