Chapter 22 - Lost and Delirious

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Disclaimer: For the fans of the special guests in this chapter, this is only a product of my own imagination! No offense lol! Read at your own risk.




David said that it is an hour's drive to the Roque's mansion in the countryside, and I am somehow disturbed in my seat because of what Diana did to me earlier in our bedroom.

"I'm just curious...It is serious?"

Her sensual voice keeps on echoing in my mind the whole ride, causing my unexplainable silence inside her car. My lips are pouted the whole time as I rest my cheek on my palm while absent-mindedly looking out the window. I felt bad, actually, like really bad for some reasons...

The thing is...I really can't get her out of my mind. I always feel this weird, funny feeling deep down my tummy every time I think of her...

You mean, all the time since the first time you kissed her?

There's just a lot of things about her that is eating my thoughts up. It's like, I want more of her...

The hints of her scent from the leather seat and the interiors of her car are haunting me and have been wreaking havoc in my system right now.

I briefly glance at David beside me in the driver's seat and it feels weird...It feels weird to see him in that place instead of his beautiful sister.

I bring my pointer finger to my mouth and take a bite on my nail as the thoughts of us making out inside this car recollect in my mind. I unknowingly cross my leg over the other as that familiar tingly sensation attacks me once again. I am pretty sure that I am still wet down there because of what she has done to me on my dresser table a while ago.

She has done a really great job of getting back at me, alright. The playful side of me knocked me over earlier this day and she became a victim in no time. I just found out that teasing her and making her jealous can turn me on big-time...thus my action during our lunch this afternoon.

But I somehow regret it, because I got more affected by it more than she was as it seems...

She got back at me effortlessly though. Her teasing was classic, and the way she walked out of the room while leaving me wet and hanging made me want her more...

That mysterious and sexy look she threw me before disappearing through the door has got me craving for her taste at that very moment.

Oh my gosh, what am I thinking?

"I'm just curious...Is it serious?"

Her question again invades my mind and it caused me to heave another frustrated sigh.

I am straight. I am straight. I am damn straight.

I try to convince myself that I am straight. Maybe a little bi-curious? But I am straight...

I always admire women's beauties, only pure admiration but I only had experiences with men before. Only men...

Okay, I admit that I have always been curious about how it would feel like to kiss women but I never got the chance to experience it. I mean the real, passionate kiss and not that awkward smack straight women are forced to do with girls to impress perverts. I was surrounded by beautiful, straight women my whole life...

For some reasons, Jessica, my college roommate appears on my mind in a sudden.

I slowly shake my random thoughts away and start reminding myself that my boyfriend David Mackey is beside me. Although he has a lot of imperfections, he is sweet and cute, and hot...

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