Chapter 8- Starry Night

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"What took you so long?" David immediately asks me as soon as we step out of the store.

"Diana and I decided to do twinning tomorrow so we bought these!" I fish out the bikinis from the blue plastic bag and spread it out in front of him.

"Wow, that looks hot, Franki." Sky comments, eyeing the bikini while rubbing his chin. For some reason, he looks like a fashion critique at that very moment.

David wraps his arm around me and speaks next to my ear, "I want to see you wearing it tomorrow. Pretty sure you would look fucking hot in it,"

"Yeah, okay, "I nonchalantly reply while putting back the items inside the plastic bag. Why am I not flattered every time someone especially a guy compliments me about being I'm hot or something? Maybe because I'm already used to it? I mean, it's nothing special now.

"So..." I glance over the necklace that he is holding, "What's that?"

"Oh..." With a toothy grin, he shows me a cute necklace with a customized "F-R-A-N-K-I" letter design as the pendant. "It's for you, of course."

"Oh my God! This is so nice!" I am really flattered.

"I got Diana one too!" Sky proudly shows off the same necklace but with Diana's name on it.

"Ayowwn... Thanks, Sky!" Diana replies with a nonchalant tone. She's still texting someone on her phone and by the looks of it, it's something kind of serious, prompting me to have a mental note to ask her about it later.

David is now behind me. He holds my hair up and gently place them over my shoulder before putting the necklace on for me. He gives a quick peck on the curve of my neck after locking it which sent me chills all over.

"Aww...This is really cute, baby!" I whip back to face him. "Thank you. You're so sweet."

"I love you," he kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you too," I answer him in my sweetest voice as I squeeze his huge hand with appreciation.

My eyes roam over my boyfriend's shoulder, only to meet Diana's intent eyes. Sky is talking to her but she is apparently not being attentive to whatever he is saying. She immediately averts her gaze away from me and finally responds to Sky.

What is her problem?

Partner by partner, we finally head to Mang Inasal, Philippines' most famous barbeque restaurant for lunch. David has been itching to bring me here to try their juicy chicken barbeque and mix-mix (Halo-Halo) specialty—yoi know, that cold dessert which is a mixture of crushed ice, evaporated milk, ice cream, and a lot of fruits.

Just as soon as we enter the restaurant, Post Malone's newest song fills our ears.

"Oh my Gosh, I love that song! I've been listening to it on the plane this morning!" I blurt out all of a sudden.

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