Chapter 15 - Adobo with Love

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It's only five in the morning but I am already wide awake. I texted David first thing when I woke up and asked him how is Franki doing, and he told me that she's still sleeping. She was asleep since six in the evening last night, and I'm getting worried because it's more than ten hours now.

Veronica is still sleeping beside me. I haven't told her about this yet and I am sure that she will be dismayed. I have to think of a good excuse. We are supposed to go to the mall this afternoon for some groceries and shopping as well as finding a gift for our friend Jamela for tonight.

Around ten in the morning, David updated me that he'll be out for a casting session in Q.C. and in the evening he will be attending a mini-reunion with his highschool friends in Bulacan so he will not be there to take care of Franki. Speaking of wrong timing.

I am so itching to visit Franki already but Vee is still sleeping. I have already taken a shower and donned in my black jeans and my favorite black shirt with a gaping design under the neck. As I was frying hotdogs and eggs for Vee's breakfast, I felt her hugging me from behind, to my surprise. I was so deep in my thoughts that I haven't noticed her presence approaching me.

"Good morning, my love." she greets me in her just-woke-up voice.

I turn to her and smile, "Good morning. How was your sleep? Did you finish that project for your client?"

"Actually, no. I will be finishing it this morning." she peers at my face and smiles, "Looks like you're fine now. Are you ready to get drunk tonight?" she flashes me a challenging grin.

I raised a confident eyebrow at her, "Was there a moment that I wasn't ready?"

"That's my girl," Vee chuckles at my remark. She's actually one of my favorite drinking buddies.

My smile is then replaced by a wary expression. "Speaking of the party tonight...David called me a while ago."

Her expression darkens in a split second. "What did he say?"

I wait for like three seconds before answering her question.

"I have to come back to the condo."

She lets out an audible sigh. "Why this time?"

I look down the frying pan and concentrate on what I am cooking before nonchalantly spilling it, "Franki is sick, and he has some important errands. He wants me to take care of her,"

"What is she? Eight?" her voice is soft but dangerous. God, what have I gotten myself into?

She is obviously pissed off right now but why would I be affected when I cleared something between us last night?

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