Chapter 9 - Hotel Panic

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I have already finished brushing my teeth and cleaning myself up but Franki hasn't come back yet from the shore, and I'm getting really worried now. I didn't even look back when Sky and I headed first until we reached our hotel.

What was I thinking? We really had a good time by the rocks on the shore...

Maybe she went back to resume watching that fire dance show...or bathe herself under the moonlight while thinking of sad thoughts. She seems so emo tonight because of my brother.

Chill, D. Franki is not a baby. She's an adult woman who is more experienced than you...

With that body? Of course, she's an adult already...

Hoy brain! Gagu.

I didn't realize that I was staring at the wall for four minutes straight with my head filled with the recollection of our previous conversation.

Her dad also died when she was twelve, we are both half-Kiwis, she didn't experience falling in love with a person yet and she actually hesitated to come with David here...

I mean, I believe in tadhana (destiny), you know. What if we met for a reason?

Uhm...You and David share the same dad, Diana. So he and Franki are also soulmates? Stop overanalyzing things.

I flinch in surprise when I heard the notification sound of my phone. It's Vee. Oh, shit. My eyes grew wide when I realize that I actually have ten missed calls from her. I haven't got a hold on my phone since this afternoon because we really got busy.

Busy eyeing your brother's girl?

"Hey...You ok? Pls answer my call," goes her latest message.

I immediately type in a long reply.

"Sorry, Vee. Got so preoccupied with some evening shows, left my phone here in the hotel room. About to sleep now. Will call you tomorrow. Wuv u! 😘"


I immediately throw my phone on the bedside desk before diving on the bed face-first against the pillow. I didn't bother to check my phone again when it notified. I'm scared to read it, scared to disappoint Vee, and scared to confirm that she is disappointed...

I really hate disappointing people. I am always used to pleasing them. I find it satisfying to make a difference in their day or even lives, satisfying to see that I can make them feel good about themselves.

Vee cares for me a lot and it feels so good to know that someone will do everything for me, and because of that, I don't want to hurt her in any way... I feel like I need to return the favor, but I again let myself get distracted with other things.

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