Chapter 36 - Jelly Beans

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To be honest, I didn't really care about David when I was in the hotel with Diana. I have completely forgotten about everyone else as I have only focused on my own little world with my boyfriend's sister. She really makes me happy and I am literally in pure bliss whenever I am with her. 

While walking through the hallway on our way back to David's condo unit, Diana removes her arm around my shoulders and takes a deep, audible breath. I can feel her nervousness as we finally stand in front of the door, and it is making me uneasy.

It just then dawned on me that it's time to face reality. My reality...which is David Mackey, her very own brother.

"Oh my gosh, my gums are so tingly right now. I'm getting scared again, Diana!" I freak out. 

"Don't worry, it's just my brother. Leave it to me," she assures me as she lovingly pinches my chin. I'm not sure if this woman has some sort of magic because her small gesture has made me feel relieved in an instant. There's really something about her that always makes me peace... every time.

I sweetly lean my head on her shoulder as a response. She then presses on the doorbell twice and I am holding my breath as we wait for it to be opened. I can already feel David's exasperation through the door and I'm scared...I'm scared that they will fight because of me!

Enjoy now, cry later, Franki huh?

I cock my head in confusion when Sky opened it instead.

"Hey...Sky!" Diana acknowledges, obviously surprised at their childhood best friend's presence. Okay, I didn't expect to see this k-pop guy again.

"D...Franki!" he beams out as he gives us both a quick hug. Both of us didn't check our messages this morning so this might be the reason why he has been calling too.

"It's so nice seeing you again, Sky!" I exclaim, slightly glad to see him again for some reason. He looks so fresh in his dyed blonde hair and striped sailor undershirt. Is it just me or he looked gayer than before?

"Where's David?" Diana asks as she looks around behind him. My heartbeat then races upon seeing him sitting on the couch while wearing his familiar, fuming face.

Oh my God, I know that face...he's literally mad and I'm scared!

You sneaked out with his sister yesterday, like literally, and has been constantly ignoring his calls. Why wouldn't he be mad?

"Baby!" I show myself up from behind Diana as he gets up from the couch, but I immediately step back the moment he walks up toward us. His dark face is scaring me!

"Where the fuck did you bring her?!" he surprisingly growls at his own sister, making me grip Diana's shirt tight behind her in sudden fear.  He seriously looks like he is about to punch her on her face and my heart bounces even wilder against my ribcage.

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