Chapter 40 - Carpool Karaoke

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It's Mommy's birthday today and she has been buzzing my phone out since five a.m. Apparently, she can't wait to meet Franki, her future daughter-in-law; her words, not mine. She hasn't even met her yet she is already calling her that and I hate it. Franki doesn't even love her son!

Your mom's right, Diana...Think about it. 

I wonder what her reaction will be when she'll learn about my little secret with her future daughter-in-law...

Mommy and her sister Tita Kelly are very active in the church services in our province. Both are very Christ-centered, especially my aunt who is almost close to being a religious fanatic.

That is another reason why I've kept my sexuality to myself and just shared it with a few chosen close friends later on. If they will find this out, they would definitely tie me down to a chair and blast my ears with neverending preachings and sermons about homosexuality and how it is an abomination according to the Bible. 

I'm quite scared to disappoint Mommy but, to be honest, I'm starting to consider the idea of finally coming out to her since last night. I only slept for like only half an hour because I can't stop thinking about Franki. Her last words struck me like a thousand cups of espresso and now, I'm like a walking zombie. Mommy may not accept me for who I am at first but a part of me believes that she will, eventually, because that is how a mother love her children, right? They love us unconditionally.

I turn my head to the window side to see who finally emerged out of the basement door. I'm hoping that it would be Franki but it was Sky instead. He looks so fresh in his floral polo shirt and casual white shorts while smiling so widely the beautiful curve reaches his eyes and made them even smaller than they already are. There's an orange Adidas duffel bag hanging on his shoulder which looked like he put much stuff on.

I didn't bring any clothes with me because I have tons of it back home. My left brow automatically rises when he casually enters in the shotgun side and clambers beside me. 

Uhm, hello?! That is Franki's seat?!

"How was your sleep last night, Dee?" he cheerfully asks as if he has done nothing wrong. A muscle in my jaw ticks in irritation as I watch him lean back on the seat comfortably as if the chair was solely made for him.

"It was fine, Sky." I dismissively reply before continuing, "Where are they? I don't think we'll be able to reach lunchtime if they will take more time," I not-so-cheerfully mutter under my breath.

"Whoa, relax. Nagsusungit ka na naman. (You're being grumpy again.) David's packing some egg sandwich so he can some breakfast in the car,"

"Packing a sandwich? Jusko. There's a lot of Drive-thrus in Metro Manila to order breakfast from," I can have a bad temper sometimes. "How about Franki?"

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