Chapter 24 - Perfect Fit

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The soundtrack for this chapter is attached above but don't play it or listen to it until my signal or cue later on this chapter. Hope you will follow my instructions! Hahaha. For better feels and reading experience. Just trust me. 




Franki has been updating me the entire night and I so want to reply to her but I am still disappointed with her actions this afternoon.

There's a huge possibility that she is this very attractive bi-curious girl that every gay dreads to deal with.

Those mixed signals and the sexual teasing to satisfy her straight girl ego...

Seriously, Diana? Do you really think she's that low?

Why not? The situation is too risky as well...

Aside from the screaming reality that my brother already owns her, Veronica has been asking me questions about her, as well as my closest friends. Also, she will be staying here for only half a year or less because her real home is in Australia...

Just thinking about the dreadful, impending heartbreak that will soon hit me is scaring me hardcore...

What if I would risk it all for her then I will lose my friends and my own family in the process? And also Vee...

I will lose my fallback.

Wow, fallback? How selfish of you?

Sighing, I put a mental note to hang out with her tomorrow and tell her everything. I also feel the need to make it up to her...and clear things out to her. I don't think she actually understood what I meant last time...on what I want to happen. 

I don't want to be selfish. I always want to put other people first and I don't want to disappoint and displease them as much as possible.

Especially your own family, right? And that includes your brother David, the boyfriend of the woman you are crushing hard right now...right?

Gagu talaga tong utak ko eh. (My inner thought is literally an asshole!)

But yes. I have to put more effort into holding back these threatening feelings...

What feelings?

I could have gone to Veronica's place a while ago but I don't feel like slipping out of the bed today. I feel so weary for some reasons.

I know you badly wanted to come with them but oh well, your pride says hello and fuck you!

I give my blunt thoughts an eye-roll before sliding back into the bedsheets again. It's almost midnight. I close my eyes and try my best not to think about Franki and what she could be doing right now but she's everywhere I see...even through the darkness behind my eyelids.

Malala na 'yan, Diana! (You're getting worse, Diana!)

My body slightly jerks to the sudden sound of another text notification. I turn over to the other side of the bed and reach for my phone to read it with another wave of anticipation flooding my chest. Both of my eyebrows rose when I realized that she just sent the location of the mansion.

"oops sorry! Just in case you change your mind. hehe"


Can she be any cuter? A smile on my lips has already appeared before I was able to stop it.

Ang rupok mo, Diana! May pa pigil-pigl ka pang nalalaman kanina!  (Why are you are so soft when it comes to her, Diana?)

Wait, should I go or what?

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