Chapter 35 - Torete (Crazy About You)

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My brain instantly flicks open to the feeling of someone's soft lips repeatedly pressing everywhere on my face. I wrinkle my nose at the tingly feeling and a familiar giggle emanates in front of me.

"Wakey, wakey, booboo..."

My body seems reluctant to move because of the hangover from last night but the sound of Franki's throaty voice and that damn endearment she used has made my whole body flushed with a tingling warmth. My mind reels for a few seconds, trying to digest what happened last night before finally lifting my heavy, trembling eyelids up. A smile automatically swells out from my lips upon seeing the face of a charming angel the moment my vision clears out. She is laying beside me, facing me with her ever so cute just-woke-up face brightened up with a cheerful smile. She's got her lion hair again but for me, this embodies the definition of a beautiful mess.

"Good morning, beautiful!" she beams out as she tenderly brushes my cheek with the back of her fingers.

Oh my God, nakakahiya? Has she been staring at me the whole time that I was sleeping?

I adjust my body on sideways to just sleepily stare at her, my sight lovingly registering at her beautiful face as I try to recall last night's memories. My stomach flutters at the images of our walwalan (drinking session) and passionate love-making recollecting in my mind all at once.

"Good morning, love. How was your sleep?" I ask her as I press my finger on the tip of her cute but pointy nose.

"It was even more perfect the second time around," she responds immediately with her soft, hoarse voice. Did she slightly lose it? I smirk at the thought of her screaming my name non-stop last night.

With an overwhelmed chuckle, I grab her by her waist and press her nakedness against mine under the sheets. The feeling of her body and its warmth makes me want to make love to her again. I snuggle my face against her neck, inhaling the natural, sweet scent of her skin as I groan in delight.

"Diana...What are you doing..." she asks as I teasingly press my breasts against her softer, bigger ones.

"Hmm?" I casually ask as my hand traces the prominent curve of her waist.

"Your nose is tickling me..." she breathes out with another fit of a giggle to which I only respond with another chuckle. I just want to lay with her here all day. Is it too much to ask?

I open my eyes again and look up at her to give her a kiss under her chin.

"Sky and David had left a lot of missed calls on your phone, by the way." she murmurs something incomprehensible to my cloudy mind as she waves my phone which is now in her hand. "Sorry, your phone has been buzzing non-stop a while ago I wasn't able to stop myself from peeking."

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