Chapter 21- Curious or Serious

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Okay so before reading this chapter, I want you to watch the attached video above to condition your mind with the song and the visuals for this chapter. You can play it here or on Youtube. "Curious" by Hayley Kiyoko. You can also play it on repeat while reading this chapter. Enjoy!



I wake up to the faint sound of Franki's familiar giggles mixed with my brother's deep voice from the outside. My eyes widen as I take in every ray of light illuminating my bedroom and moments later, it sinks into me. It's already one in the afternoon, and without a doubt I know I've slept for too long.

Why wouldn't I? Yesterday's events were very exhilarating and one hell of a roller coaster ride.

With my every thought now in high definition, the frustration and disappointment from last night have pushed me back on the sheets with a groan. The excitement and thrill of seeing Franki again forced me to rise up from the bed.

I wonder what they are doing outside...

After a quick rinse on my face and brushing my teeth, I proceed to comb my hair and put a little lipgloss before coming outside to join them with this weird, funny feeling in my chest and tummy. I'm not sure if I'm excited or shy to see her again...

Maybe both?

A part of me is still disappointed with her but the feeling automatically vanished when I emerged into the living room and the first thing I saw is the back of her long and smooth thighs...

She's wearing her black Adidas sports bra and short shorts.

I lean on my side against the wall while I am unknowingly gaping at the beautiful sight. The smile on my face gradually fades when I finally notice the whole picture.

David, who is not wearing any shirt, is sitting on one of the dining chairs while she is behind him, bending down with her arms lovingly wrapped around his neck and chin resting on his shoulder while they are watching something on his phone.

Ah, what an eye-sore. I can't wait for the evening to roll around so I can finally have her all by myself...

"Oh my gosh, that's so cute! We need to do that too!" Franki's voice made me realize that I was staring at her nice, toned ass longer than I should.

They didn't notice my presence yet because they seem to be deeply invested with whatever they are watching which I think are some workout routines. From the looks of it, it seems like they have been working out the whole morning using those small dumbbells and the treadmill.

I silently walk toward the kitchen without saying anything.

"Oh..." Franki's voice has made me feel this warm flush on the side of my ears.

"Good morning, Diana!"

I just briefly turn to their direction to flash them a small smile for acknowledgment.

"It's weird seeing her getting up late," Dave comments as I open the fridge to check on what to cook for today. He then continues to mock me, "She must have slept late because of watching porn. That's what you get when you don't have a love life,"

My grip on the handle of the fridge tightens when Franki lets out an agreeing laugh.

I close the fridge door a little harder and try to calm myself as I proceed to make my own coffee but deep inside, my disappointment with her resurfaces. She made me wait and anticipate big time last night, and just then fell asleep. And then this is how she is going to repay me? Start her day by flirting with my brother?

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