Chapter 10 - Getting Wet

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" you want to wake up na?"

A soft tap on my cheek flinches me awake.... only to see Diana's smiling face looming over me. I blink once, then lazily wipe the sleep out of my eyes and squint at her.

Why does her face seem glowing right now? Or is it just the rays of the sun from the curtain blinds?

"Good morning," she flashes me her usual sweet smile while sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes tender on mine.

"What time is it?" I ask in my groggy voice while covering half of my face with the pillow.

"It's already past eight in the morning."

My face crumples in confusion.

"Are you serious?"

I instantaneously curl up. I want to enjoy every second of our time here on this beautiful island.

She just shrugs her shoulder while still smiling without baring her teeth. Can she stop doing that? I don't think there is something funny or kilig (romantic excitement) right now. And why does she look extra pretty today? Her cheekbones under that rosy skin are getting more prominent while mine is getting chubbier because of all the V-cut and other junks that I have been snacking at David's condo. And I'm jealous. Ugh.

Since when did you become jealous of other women, Franki?

I have always been confident with the way I look and I genuinely admire other women's beauty too. I mean, I believe that we are all beautiful but only in different ways.

I stare at Diana again and realize that she is already wearing her black bikini that we bought yesterday with a white cover-up topping it. She is also wearing light make-up and it looks good on her. Gosh, she is such a maganda babae (pretty woman). Sobra ganda... (very pretty).

She's really cute and I can't blame Sky for crushing on her. I've been to a lot of countries and have seen far prettier girls but there is just something about my boyfriend's sister. Maybe because I find her very interesting...

"Where's David?" I ask, looking around while blinking my girl-crush thoughts away.

"He's waiting for us in the lobby with Sky. We'll be having our breakfast first,"

"Woah!" I wave my body away from her. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Frustration is all over my face.

"Sorry...You were apparently dreaming. And I think it's a very nice one..." Her smile stretches into a knowing one...

...and then it finally hit me.

I actually dreamed about her!

We were hugging and... wait, I can't remember it. We were hugging and something. There's a lot of bed, vacant beds, maybe four of them in a nice Barbie-like room but we were sharing one. Yeah, cuddles, lots of cuddles! I can still remember how good it felt and how nice she smelled.

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