Chapter 27 - Straight as a Circle

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I act like something interesting happened behind me to subtly wipe the single tear that has unexpectedly swelled out from my eyes.

"We better should go na, Ate. It's dangerous to drive when it's dark." Diana says as she turns to the direction of the door.

"Oh, before I forget." Hasna stops us. "This is for the both of you," she reaches over the counter and hands Diana some cotton face masks.

"This is the third time this month that we have a couple as a visitor who stayed here because of heavy rain in the middle of the night, and I notice you keep on sneezing this morning so I think you might need this," she explains as she places the masks on Diana's hands.

"Aww...You're so sweet!" I blush upon seeing our names expertly stitched on either of them.

"Oh...Uhm, we're not a couple po," Diana immediately corrects while throwing me a panicky glance over her shoulder.

"Whatever it is...I'm sure it is something special." I caught her winking at Diana and it caused a bewildered look on my face.

Wait, how did Hasna say that? Was she simply assuming? Out of observation? What did they talk about this morning?

"Thank you so much for this, Ate. We really appreciate this.," Diana says as she wholeheartedly accepts the masks into her fists.

"Please visit me again here," Hasna requests while smiling warmly at me.

"Of course," Diana replies as she finally grabs my arm.

"Maraming, maraming salamat po for this, Hasna. Kirikits soon! (Thank you so much for this, Hasna. See you again soon!)"

Diana helps me position myself on her motorcycle when we finally went outside. The ground is still wet but the weather is in our favor this time. She then carefully put the helmet on my head before gliding herself in front of me.

"Hold on tight, Franki." she bellows from the front as she leans forward while gripping the handlebars tightly.

"I will..." I softly reply. She starts to starts to dash off and I automatically hold onto her tight, clasping my hands together against her soft stomach.

As she drives, I can't help but look up at the sun that now falls behind the horizon, painting the sky shades of red and pink. Threads of light linger behind the rolling clouds, and it is such a beautiful sight to beautiful as this woman in front of me.

Beautiful inside and out...

We were both quiet all through the ride. I'm not sure if she is just concentrating on the road or she is kind of mad at me. My instinct is telling me that it is the latter...

We are now nearing the city and a candy store in the roadside suddenly caught my eyes.

"Diana, Diana!"


"Stop! Please!" I tighten my grip on her shirt.

"What? Why?" she asks as she slows down the motorcycle and maneuvers it on the side lane.

"Can we buy some candies?" I point to the candy store with a toothy grin when she finally pulls over on the side of the road.

"Jesus, Franki. You scared me." she playfully rolls her eyes while suppressing a smile, and I find it hot.

"I'm just craving for some sweets..." I pout my lips at her while fiddling with my fingers again.

"Okay, come on. Let's go." she softly says as she takes my hand and holds it tight...

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