Chapter 32- Say It Back

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I hate myself. I so hate myself for doing that to her...

And now, it left me wanting more.

But what's new? She always has that effect on me. I didn't even understand the Joker movie because I was so focused on my urges to touch her, to find a way to be close to her...

Having minds of their own, my fingers start playing with my kind of sore lips—thanks to Diana—while looking out of the car's window. David is quietly driving with his right hand while he carefully snuggles his injured arm on his chest.

The guilt that I am feeling right now for cheating on him with his sister is overpowered with the lingering taste of her lips on mine. I can practically still feel the hunger in her touches and the way she kissed me earlier.

Diana wanted this as much as I do...I can feel it. And I am getting more and more addicted to her presence whenever I see her.

I missed her so much and I wasn't able to contain myself when I saw her again. I mean, she looked so hot in her orange polo shirt and black leggings and with her hair loosely tied—that hair that I want to mess up again.

Oh my gosh. Is this normal to be like this to another woman?

I didn't care about everyone else at that time. It's her that all I see...And I am surprised at the things that I can do to satisfy my cravings.

I was drowning in bliss the moment I saw her in Bench Cafe earlier, but immediately rose out of water when I saw that she was actually with Veronica.

Is she just a close friend? Or her girlfriend? I always fail to ask her whenever I see her.

That woman...The way she looked at me screamed jealousy. I have been wanting to ask Diana about the real deal between her and Veronica but I'm scared...

I'm scared to know what her answer will be...

Am I a bad person? I know I am hurting Veronica and David but I can't really help myself.

Diana's warmth and smell invade my mind once again. It's like carved on my senses already. The way she pushed me against the wall with dominance was so hot and I felt so powerless over her. Good thing I was able to get a grip of my self before she could have sneaked her hand inside my pants and rub the hell out of me in a public place.

I mean, I love the thrill and everything but I badly want to see her again tomorrow. I clear my throat and adjust myself on my seat when I start to feel the discomfort from my waist down.

Yeah, I get it. You're fucking wet, and that is your fault anyway.

Blame it on Frances. Holding Diana's hands while watching the movie with our significant others on our either side was the most thrilling yet the sweetest thing ever and I will never forget that moment. 

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