Chapter 28 - Waste My Love

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I shut my eyes real tight and press my lips inwardly together after closing the door between us. I dramatically lean my back against the door and rake a hand through my hair as I let the frustration take all over me.

It keeps building and building inside me and I think I might explode any second from now. My chest feels so full and my head is spinning from disappointment — I take a really deep breath and gradually push the air out through my pursed lips.

Why does she have to be like that? I don't understand her... I mean, last night was perfect.

No. Beyond perfect...

Until morning came.

(Play the music attached from the video above and read along with the first stanza of the lyrics from here then read with the music for a better reading experience for the rest of the story.)

🎶Well you have me in, in your hands
Like a lit, like a lit cigarette
Now I'm here in your room hitting snooze
On the side of your bed
I should've known it the day we met
That shit is worse than a hit and run🎵

Yes, this shit is indeed worse than a hit and run...

And what she stole was my little gay heart.

It was the most beautiful night that I have ever had in my entire life and I secretly wished for it to not end. Waking up to her beautiful face is my next favorite and I have never felt this content just by watching her sleep...

I was looking at her intently, memorizing every detail in her face...her eyes, her expressive, round eyes with those long, curly lashes, her cute pointed nose, her sexy, full lips that I can't get enough of kissing, her curly baby hair, and those faint freckles sprinkled across her nose, accentuating her smooth, pale complexion...

Fuck. I just find myself fishing out my E-cigarette from my back pocket and sharply inhale the minty stench in and let it cool my lungs and mind down.

Ah, I need this. I badly need this.

I dramatically look up as I let the smoky white tendrils out between my lips and let it freely waltz into the humid air in the hallway. I then sigh at the beautiful recollection of her face, body, and love-making while feeling the emotions filling my chest again. Putangina. She is so beautiful and perfect and everything and I am now even crazier about her...

It sucks because she acted weird and has been subtly pushing me away.

And now...

I feel like crying.

It hurts. It fucking hurts to see how worried she was about David and I want to explode in jealousy.

David, my dear brother and the person who really owns her...

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