Chapter 31 - Crazy In Love

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I flinch in surprise when Franki suddenly links her arm along with mine and side hugs me as we walk our way to the comfort room.

"Franki...what are you doing?" I whisper at her, worried that Vee, who is following behind us, might notice something between us.

"I miss you..." Franki whispers back with an adorable pouting of her lips while looking up at me from the side. I want to lean away from her but she just pulled me closer to her side and even rests her head on my shoulder as we walk.

Gagu...Right in front of Vee?

My face becomes redder and my gait starts to become shaky with tension.

I then cautiously look back to check on Vee's reaction and my face pales out when I notice that she has actually stopped walking.

She is just standing there in the middle of the room with her arms folded in front of her chest with a darkened glare.

Ah, can I die now?

I swallow hard before forcing a seemingly natural smile on my face.

"Vee? I thought you're coming?" I ask her in my most casual voice. I have to act innocent and stick on my act according to what I told her...

...that Franki is straight and that she is just a very clingy and touchy person.

The light from above Vee just accentuated the movement of her muscles in her jaw as she pierces me with a warning gaze.

Franki whips around to check on the hesitation on Vee's part.

With widened eyes, I step back, totally alarmed when the Aussie girl suddenly charges toward Vee like she is about to initiate a catfight.

Oh shit. No, Franki, no!

"Come on, girl!" she grabs Vee's arm and links it with hers, to my surprise, and the latter one's facial expression softens with surprise as well which filled me with initial relief.

They then skip their way towards me, smiling like everything is normal, and this is just stressing me out more.

Chill, Diana. Ganda ka?

I feel like their every move is so crucial and my eyes have never been this alert and awake.

They head towards me and now, we three are walking together, with both ladies linking their arm on my either side.

Jesus. I am so pretty talaga.

I am not sure if I should feel proud of my thoughts or be...worried. My gosh, Franki is literally giving me all the kinds of aches you can endure.

What kind of aching, Dianer?

"Your brother kind of pissed me off a while ago," Vee blurts out as we enter the comfort room, which has only two cubicles...

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