Chapter 19 - Hearts On Fire

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After continuously fixing my hair and dress, making sure that my innocent look is back again, I finally walk out of the restroom and act normal. I'm trying to even my breath as I make my way back to their lounge.

My hands start to tremble the moment I saw Diana again as if we didn't see each other moments ago. She is casually sitting on the couch with a pillow on her lap. She is sipping on her drink, acting clean and unbothered while Veronica is on the other side laughing about something with Jamela and Dean.

They all turn their heads toward me when I came.

Diana looks up at me, looking innocent and clueless and asks in a soft voice,

"Where have you been?

I gaze back into her eyes, immediately getting her message.

"I just looked around and took some pictures for Instagram! Gosh, I so love it here!" I force the bubbly in me.

"Indeed it is," Veronica adds while smiling at me.

I am about to sit down but Diana holds onto my arm as she gets up.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you guys again tomorrow?"

I look at her with a question in my eyes. She slightly cocks her head to one side and gives me a look again.

I then finally got it after another second. These eye messages are beginning to be our habit now.

"We wish you could have stayed longer," One of the girls says as she reaches for Diana to kiss her goodbye on her cheek.

"It was a pleasure meeting all of you," I start kissing them one by one on the cheeks as they bid goodbye. I turn to Veronica and notice that she's again on her phone.

Guilt and jealousy start to mess my head up again but I just plastered it with my cheerful smile. I greet Jamela a Happy Birthday again while Diana picks up all her stuff and carries everything in one hand. Without any words for me, she heads first and I automatically follow her. I look back to her squad one more time and caught all of them looking at us with malicious expressions on their faces.

Ugh, I will never, ever forget this night.

I wonder what excuse Diana told them. I didn't expect her to leave this early, but we really need to...

I quietly follow her as we make our way out of the place.

"Binibining Franki!"

I turn back to see the owner of the familiar male voice. Alger rushes toward us with a hoping look on his face. I stop in my tracks, intending to talk to him as I felt sorry for what I did earlier with the tissue. I am about to say something to him but Diana suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me back to her.

"Binibining Franki, wait lang. I just want to know when you are coming ba—"

Alger trails off when Diana suddenly appears between us and faces him with her chin up and one eyebrow raised.

"Back off, Alger. You have a girlfriend, right?"


I felt alive at Diana's sudden fierceness. I can't help but bite my lip as I felt something trembled down there.

Ugh. What is happening to me?!

Alger is about to defend himself but Diana grabs my hand and pulls me outside as if we are already late for our flight at the airport.

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