Chapter 14 - Torn

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My heart feels so heavy as I stand in front of the door of Veronica's condo unit. I knock once, and her hasty footsteps can already be heard approaching the door. I force a smile on my face the moment she opens it and her wide grin greets me.

Without any words, she clings her arms around my neck and hugs me ever so tightly.

"I miss you," she mumbles against my hair. She then excitedly pulls me inside her unit and I drop my luggage on the floor as she takes my backpack off my back.

"How was the trip?" she asks while looking at me, eyes keen and bright.

"It was good. I had a lot of fun with them."

"Sky didn't do anything stupid, noh?" she asks with one eyebrow raised.

"Nah, don't worry about him. He's harmless..."I gave her a meaningful smile.

"Did you just confirm that he's gay?"

"I'm not really sure. Unless he'll tell me himself."

"Even if he is, I still don't like him. But anyway..." she steps even closer and lifts her head up to meet my eyes.

"Don't you miss me? Hmm?" she asks while running her hands on the length of the smoothness of my arms. It's obvious in her breath that she had just finished brushing her teeth.

"I-is that even a question? Of course, I do..."

Did I just stutter? I was always so chill and composed, but this time, I am in an utter panic. I don't want to hurt Vee in any way, but I couldn't just put an act every time.

"Oh yeah?" The expression on her face changes into a suggestive one and I can't help but compare it to Franki's goddess-level facial features at the back of my mind. I mean, Veronica is cute and sweet but...

Someone's really smitten with someone.

I lift my fingers up to tuck some of her hair strands behind her ear.


"It's my turn to enjoy you today..." she seductively purrs on my face, eyes still on me while slowly unzipping my pants.


I am honestly not in the mood right now. There's this aching pressure in my head, literally and figuratively and I just want to sleep for the rest of the day.

"Sure..." That is all I can say. My reply causes her to bite her lip and roughly tug my jeans down over my ass. I back away as a reflex and before I could even stop her, she has already dropped on her knees and starts kissing my thighs up, leading to the warmth in between but I immediately bend down to pull her back up.

"Vee...What are you doing?" I meet her questioning eyes as soon as she straightens up again.

"I just really miss you, you know." she moves behind me and presses her lips at the back of my ear while her hands are reaching for my panties in front. I uncomfortably slip my pants up and wince. I want to flirt back but my body is not cooperating this time. I'm not in the mood right now and I'm not feeling really well.

All I think about is Franki... In fact, she has never left my mind and this is so unfair to Vee.

She continues kissing the side of my neck while hugging me so tight from behind.

"Vee..." I made it sound like it's a moan but I'm really bothered as hell.

She then pushes me back down the couch, and before I could even move, she has already lowered herself and perched on my lap while facing me.

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