Chapter 33 - Secret Lovers (Special Chapter)

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Nothing feels better than having your crush clinging into your arm and leaning her head on your shoulder as you drive with one hand with ease.

With my other arm around her shoulder, I press Franki closer to my chest to give her a kiss on her head as I smile in content. I try my best to limit my movement for her full comfort.

Ugh, she smells so sweet and the lingering scent of her shampoo in her slightly wet hair has stuck on my nose already.

I can't wait to see her reaction on the surprise that I have specially prepared just for her. I asked Mark Dean's help to keep Veronica preoccupied so I can have my escape.

I told her that I want to come back to Dave's condo but she again used the self-pity card and asked for one more week. Leandra, her sister, will come back next week from Singapore to keep her company so I will have more reasons to move out.

But come to think of it...

I have been clear with her from that start, that I was uncertain with my feelings but she was willing to accept anything that I can give. And now, she has been making me feel that it is my responsibility to give more...

We're technically just friends now so I am not doing anything wrong...right?

I peer down to see the beauty resting in my arm. My attention is held on her long, thick lashes and her baby hair sprouting from her forehead.

How can she do that? To still look breathtaking even from the top view?

"See you tomorrow..."

Her words that night after we left the movie theatre had been replaying in my mind since then. She left me hanging and wanting more and more each day, and I don't think I can break out from this spell anytime soon.

I want to have her all by myself again and I don't care about anything else anymore...

...even if it means hurting my brother. 

I want her so bad and I want to do something to make her fall for me really hard to the point that she will leave David and choose to be with me because I don't think that I will be able to get her out of my mind ever again.

Whoa, slow down, Dianer! Aren't you getting a little bit fast?

Yes. I'm the speed of light now.

I have been waiting for this kind of feeling and excitement all my life, you know. Last night, I wasn't able to sleep, actually. I have been thinking about her, contemplating and weighing some things...

What if she really wants this too? What if we'll give it a try?

She even sent me a few text messages, saying that she loves me and it is not the first time that she told me so...

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