Chapter 18 - Unstoppable

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(Play the song attached above as you read this chapter for a better reading experience. Play on repeat. Trust me.)



My lips are stretched out into a determined, smug curve as I continue to run my fingers up and down Diana. I am out of breath but the adrenaline is overtaking my body and setting my newly found desire for a woman on fire. I am loving the feeling of my fingers in her wetness and her urgent moans and breaths into my ear. I press her even harder against the wall to keep her from falling because her body keeps on trembling uncontrollably.

"Franki...I'm...Oh my God, Franki!!!" she softly whimpers into my ear, and I am even more focused on my goal right now...

And that is to make her come.

I can hear the door opening and closing from the outside, footsteps coming in and out of the restroom, the indistinct but engaging rumbling of the music, the murmurs and all kinds of noises around us but I don't fucking care. It just adds to the thrill that I always have a fetish of.

What are you trying to prove, Frances?

I just want to show Diana what I am capable of doing...that I can also do whatever Veronica is doing to her.

Relax, Tiger! They're just friends...

Her grip on my hair at the back of my head tightens as I hasten my pace.


I am grinding my teeth harder as I work it even more onto her when I heard someone calling her name. But I don't care. Diana should come into my fingers.

I can feel it. She is about to come now.

"Dee?" The same familiar voice dances closer toward us and reaches my eardrum again. I feel like cold water has been splashed at me the moment she pulled my hands out of her pants as if she got burned with fire and gently shoved me away.

I am about to speak but her hand immediately flew over my mouth. With bulging eyes and sweaty temples, she presses a finger onto her lips, giving me the warning to behave. My eyes lower down to the base of the door where the tip of a pair of white sneakers peeks in. The owner of the voice who I presume is Veronica is literally standing in front of this cubicle right now.

"Diana? Are you in here?"

Oh my gosh. It's really her! My forehead creases as the sound of her voice and the knocking on the door suddenly ticked a grumpy nerve of mine.

"Dee...Are you okay? I know you're here..."Her voice echoes around the restroom.

"I-I'm here! Wait lang." Diana bellows in a shaky, high-pitched voice while fixing the strap of her bra with one hand. The look of panic in her face is turning me on even more. It's my first time seeing her very agitated, totally in contrast with her usual chill and collected demeanor.

A wild idea comes into my mind then.

"What's taking you so long?" The bitch asks one more time while giving another knock. What the hell is her problem?

"I'm—" Diana's answer trails off when I suddenly grip her arm down away from my mouth and proceed to slip my hand back into her pants. She is about to protest but my other hand flies into her mouth as I push her back against the wall.

Her eyes widened with "Are you out of your mind?!" look. A little smirk just plays in my lips. She arches her neck up in a split second and stifles a moan when I start to work my fingers again, even more intense this time.

🎶This is my last hurrah, once I start
I ain't gon' stop 'til I go too far
Last hurrah and it's okay
Maybe tomorrow I won't feel this pain
Last hurrah
Last hurrah🎵

The lyrics of the current song playing outside is just giving me more reason to do this. Diana parts her thighs wider, one hand on my shoulder and the other one grabbing my ass.

Our bodies are bobbing up and down along each other with our heavy breathings and suppressed moans.

The door from the next cubicle suddenly opens and closes.

"I'll be just right here, ha. Hmm... You know what, I think I'm tipsy na." Veronica mumbles from the next door, and the goosebumps from our skin become even more prominent.

Diana wants to respond, apparently, but her face is crumpled with arousal; her lips parting into an "o" expression and her body continuously shaking as I work my thumb into her sensitive button.

I am biting my lip and smirking as her grip on my shoulder tightens, giving me the signal that she's nearing it. Gosh, she's so damn wet and flowing, and I am so loving it.

Veronica is mumbling something but Diana and I are concentrating on our goal.

A few more moments have passed and suddenly...

"I wonder where Franki went,"

Veronica's question caused Diana's body to shoot forward in orgasm and we both almost tripped.

"Why don't you wait for me outside?" Diana shakily blurts out in a sudden while immediately fixing her pants and preening her hair.

"Stay here," she mouths at me as she visibly controls her panting. I put the toilet lid down and sit on it in exasperation as I watch her fixing herself. She then carefully slips out of the slightly opened door.

"Sorry, I just threw up a little bit,"

I heard her explaining to Veronica in her calmest voice possible.

"My poor Dee..."

I can only imagine her arm clinging around Diana's waist. The restroom door opens and I presume that they are about to go out now. I finally blinked when it was shut closed, the sound ejecting me back to reality.

I am just staring blankly into the door while trying to process what just happened. I waited for a few minutes before coming out of the cubicle. My nerves start to calm down when I finally am able to breathe the air outside of this cubicle, which I consider as fresh at the moment.

I look at my wet and slippery fingers, my mind still in disbelief on what I just did. Never in my whole life did I expect to do that to a woman and I am utterly surprised at my very own self.

I rub them together, curious about what it tastes like but a part of me is stopping me to do so as my fear has overpowered my curiosity.

I look into my mirror and stare right back at my exasperated self; hair slightly messy, face shining with sweat and eyes spent and bewildered. I so want to take a cold shower right now as I am still feeling so hot all over, especially southward my body.

I lean both hands on the sink counter and bite my lower lip as I stare at my eyes again in the mirror.

And at this moment, it finally dawns on me.

I want Diana Mackey. I want her so bad...

And this is not right.

She apparently has Veronica, and I have David, her very own brother.

Disgusted and ashamed with what I have done, I immediately wash my hands, keen on removing all the traces of our infidelity.

*****To be continued*****


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