Chapter 20 - The Girl Next Room

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The ecstatic smile on my face instantly vanishes the moment I saw my brother's stupid grin from the couch. Franki's grip on my shirt from behind me tightens with tension as we exchange frustrated faces.

What the fuck is he doing here?

"Hello, girls! Where have you been? I have chocolates and drinks for you here!" He happily informs us, not having any idea of what his girlfriend and I have done tonight.

My mood instantly drops with extreme disappointment. I feel like all the blood from my face and between my thighs were drained down to my feet. If it would not cause a ruckus to kick my brother's stupid face right now, I would have done it already.

"Babe? Are you okay?" he asks as he rushes toward Franki. I slightly got alarmed when I notice her just standing there, unblinking and seemingly unable to move so I step forward to answer her boyfriend instead,

"It was my friend's birthday so I brought her with me at The Island. She feels fine already and I don't want to leave her alone here so..." I end my explanation with a dismissive shrug and turn to Franki with a smile while urging her with my eyes to act normal.

"It was fun, right Franki?"

Her face lits up when she finally escapes from her momentary trance. "Why of course! I really love the place and her friends were awesome! Such a fun day talaga!" she adds a short, awkward chuckle at the end.

I automatically look away when David takes her hands on his in a very sweet way and closes the gap between them to give her a kiss on her cheek. I feel like a huge truck has suddenly parked on top of my chest, and I'm not kidding. I suddenly find it hard to breathe.

"I'm just gonna go..." I trail off while walking away with heavy shoulders, not daring to look back to check on Franki's reaction. I mean, the person who really owns her is here already...

...and worse, he's my very own brother.

I shut my door closed, throw my body on the bed and rub my hands on my face in frustration.

Franki...ano ba! Nakakainis to ha. 

I so want to chat her right now but I'm afraid that Dave will get a glimpse of it and will have an idea about us. That's the last thing that I want to happen right now.

The images of her and the way she sexily grinds on my lap keep repeating in my head right now. I can still feel her taste on my mouth and the feeling of her wetness on my fingers...

She's so beautiful and hot and sexy and perfect and her smell...God, everything about her is so addicting.

I tried my best to fight this attraction since the beginning, but she has been keeping it harder for me...

Being attracted to Franki Russell is inevitable. I mean, just look at her, Dianer.

I fucking need a cold shower right now.

I can still smell her perfume and her natural sweet scent on my clothes as I wearily take them off one by one. I lift them up into my nose and breathe them in while closing my eyes.

They suddenly flew open when I realize what I was doing.

Ang lala mo na, Diana! (You're getting worse, Diana!)

I put a mental note to not put this into the laundry.

I finally step into the shower, toes flinching as they touch the cold white tiled floor. My mind is utterly in scraps. Whenever I close my eyes, it's the picture of her sexy aroused face that I can see.

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