Chapter 1

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As usual, the hospital smelled strongly of disinfectant..

Y/N's face looked pale and hopeless the moment she came out from doctor's office. Her legs were powerless and almost fell to the ground, luckily there was someone who helped her when she was about to fall.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Y/N shook her head, sitting down on the chair in the hospital's corridor. She covered her face with both of her hands. She felt so heart broken to the point she couldn't even cry.

All the Park family members were there and witnessed the sad view, but they didn't really know how to comfort her. The doctor said that Park Joon Min, Y/N's son got serious illness.

Doctors already underwent various kinds of medical treatments, they basically did everything they could to save him but it turned out to be ineffective.

Looking at this critical condition, Jimin's grandmother, Park Jeon Hye felt heartbroken. With a cold tone, she told a middle aged woman behind her: "Go call Park Jimin, tell him to come here immediately."

Neon Yun frowned: "Mom, is it really serious? Give him a few days since he has an important project to deal with right now..."

Park Jeon Hye cut off her sentence coldly said, "You still care about work? Do you want your grandson to die? What is wrong with you?"

Neon Yun's expression changed: "Mom, I didn't mean it that way, I will call him now."

Jeon Hye patted Y/N's slender shoulder: "Y/N, don't worry, this is not the end, there still a method we haven't tried and definitely has the highest chance to save our Joonie, he will be okay."

Y/N raised her face up, her eyes looked red, her voice was a little bit hoarse: "I know, grandma, I will go to check on Joonie."

The last method and the only choice left was to give birth to another kid and use the umbilical cord to help Park Joon Min. That was the reason Jimin had to come home.

Y/N stood in front of the entrance, she patted her face to look more alive and tried to smile. She opened the door and walked towards Joon Min's bed.

Park Joon Min was reading his book, but as soon as he caught sight of her, he put down his book and with a weak voice he said: "Mom"

Y/N went over and hugged him: "Joonie, you're awake, how are you feeling?" She looked at his little face and slightly stoked his cheeks.

Joon Min shook his head, with his big eyes and pouty lips looked at her face, "Mom, were you crying?"

"No, I didn't cry." Y/N tried to laugh.

"Your eyes are red." Park Joon Min immediately pointed out her lie. Even though he was only three,he was extremely smart.

Y/N rubbed her eyes: "There was dust in my eyes."

"You said that weak excuse again." Park Joon Min's small body came to her embrace: "Mom, I will be okay."

Park Joon Min wore a thick knit hat, his hospital clothes looked big on his body, he looked exactly like his father, except for the eyes. He was a handsome little boy.

"I know." Y/N felt sad but let out a laugh and kissed his forehead.

Joon Min took out the book in his hands: "Mom, great grandmother told me that dad will come back home, is it true?"

"Joonie, do you want to meet Dad?"

"I don't."

Even though Joon Min denied it, Y/N knew that he was lying, because no matter how angry and heartbroken he was as he has never even met his own father, in the end he was still a kid; his heart certainly must be wishing for a father's love..

He would just sit and look at his friends playing with their father's in the park. His eyes were definitely showing sorrow.

Y/N accompanied Joon Min until he fell asleep then went back home late at night.

Passing through Grandma's study room, she saw that the light was still on as she passed through the door. She was curious because grandma would usually already be asleep at this time. What was she doing? Y/N came over, and when she was about to knock on the door, she heard a cold voice from inside saying: "There's no other way? Do we really need to use that method? All of you understand that I don't want anything to do with her right? If she was not pregnant from the start and you didn't force me to marry her, do you think I will marry her? And now you want me to give her a second child?"

Y/N could see the silhouette. Park Jimin had came home...

His tone when he was talking about her was full of disgust, just like it was four years ago.

He should be angry, because four years ago, she used Joon Min to get married with him and now he would suffer the same thing and have another unwanted kid.

"I want Joon Min to live." Grandma said.

Y/N didn't want to listen anymore. She let out a bitter smile, and laughed at herself because she realized how ridiculous it was and went to her room.

She opened the door, turned on the light, and realized that there was a black suitcase. It must belong Jimin, the maid must've been wrong to put it here, as four years ago it was indeed Jimin's room. But Jimin was disgusted by her, there was no way he would share the same room as her.

But it was a good thing, she also didn't want to share a room with him, because even though they were married,they were basically strangers.

Y/N felt tired and had no intention to move his suitcase, so she just went directly to the bathroom to clean up, then turned the light off and laid on the bed to rest because tomorrow morning she needed to take Joon Min to the hospital for a check up.

When she was about to sleep, she felt someone lay down beside her; pulling the blanket and her nightgown roughly.

In the dark, there was man's hand pressing down her shoulder.

Y/N was shocked and immediately pull her own nightgown tightly, trying to stop the man above her, but she couldn't escape his strong hold. She could only stretch out her hand and turn on the light.

She could clearly see the man above her. He was a handsome looking man with a perfect appearance that she hadn't seem for four years. She long thought she had already forgotten his appearance, but it turned out that she still remembered it.

Y/N's nightgown was half-open, yet he didn't stop and still tried to rip it. She was powerless compared to the man above her. Panicked, she shouted: "Park Jimin, what are you doing?"

Jimin used his hand to clutch her cheek: "Isn't this what you want? Another child?"

"Let me go!" Y/N couldn't bear the humiliation and used her whole strength to escape but she couldn't, without thinking she slapped his handsome face. The sound of that slap making the both of them stop.

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