Chapter 6

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Although it was winter, the amusement park was still full of people. Y/N was afraid that Joon Min would get lost. So she tightly held his hand all the way.

Joon Min was an active little kid before he got sick and he hadn't gone outside for a long time. So naturally his eyes were full of excitement when he looked at the playground.

He wanted to play everything he saw.

But his health couldn't permit him to play everything, so Y/N just let him playe a few that didn't look too dangerous or exerting.

When they left the park and returned to the car,, Joon Min didn't really talk. Y/N's heart broke as she knew he was a bit disappointed. Squatting down, she gave him a hug and smiled warmly at the young boy. "Joonie, Mom promises you that when you are healthy, I will bring you again to play. Then you can play everything that you want, okay?"

Joon Min was very understanding. "I know." he nodded.

Y/N's heart was really aching for him. But she couldn't express it in front of Joon Min, she just clutched his hand and laughed softly: "Let us go to have dinner, okay?"

Y/N held Joon Min's little hand, and turned around to look at Jimin. "If you are busy, you can go first, Joonie and I can take a taxi home."

Just a moment ago, she noticed that his phone was ringing continuously. She knew he was busy, and she didn't want to take up his time any longer.

Jimin raised an eyebrow: "You want me to be scolded by grandma?"

Y/N was concerned, but he didn't appreciate it, so she didn't say anything anymore.

All three of them went to this restaurant that Y/N and Joon Min once frequently visited.

No matter how much Jimin didn't want to admit it, Y/N was a good mother, she always meticulously cared for Joon Min, just like this moment. Before dinner, she helped him first to get ready. When they were eating, she her attention on him, helped him to pick some dishes.

When Joon Min felt full, he looked around, before suddenly pointing to the entrance door: "Mom, Uncle is there." he said excitedly.

Y/N looked at the figure he pointed at From the restaurant's revolving door entered a few men, led by a tall and good-looking man wearing a dashing navy suit. His brown hair was styled neatly around his handsome face. It was Jeon Jungkook.

He also recognized the mother and son, excusing himself from the people around him before walking over to greet the two.

Joon Min was happy to see Jungkook: "Uncle Kookie!" He greeted enthusiastically.

Jungkook smiled warmly, stroking Joon Min's hair. "Joonie, are you full yet?

"I'm full."

Jungkook then glanced toward Jimin, nodding his head towards him respectfully. "President Park."

Jimin knew this gentle and kind man in front of him. It was Jeon family group's CEO, Jeon Jungkook. He didn't expect him to be so close to this mother and son.

Out of courtesy, Jimin also nodded towards him.

Soon after, Jungkook looked at Y/N: "I was just coming back from a business trip. I was going to visit Joon Min, but the doctor said that he had left the hospital."

Y/N nodded her head and smiled slightly. "Right, he just left the hospital yesterday."

Jungkook's friends were waiting for him, so he needed to return: "Let's just talk some other time." He smiled at the two.

"Joonie, Uncle needs to go first."

"Bye, Uncle Kookie." Joon Min waved.

Jimin leaned on his chair, the corner of his full lips slightly hooked up, his eyes glanced at Jungkook's back for a while. He was a man, so towards how a man acts towards a woman, he could see that Jeon Jungkook was looking at Y/N with affection in his eyes!

Jimin observed Y/N and Joon Min carefully, before scoffing and slumping back into his chair in disbelief. Jimin thought, now he could finally understand why Y/N immediately agreed to get divorced after Joon Min's recovery. 'Of course' he thought. 'She already has someone else.'

Y/N felt Jimin's intimidating gaze on her. Slightly raising her head to look at him, she could see that he was looking at her with a mocking gaze.. She didn't want to know why he looked at her that way, so she just quickly turned her head.

When they finished their food, they left the restaurant and Y/N brought Joon Min to wait in front of the entrance door while Jimin took the car.

Y/N saw that Joon Min was feeling cold, because something came out from his nose, so Y/N looked for a tissue to wipe his nose.

Suddenly, Joon Min caught sight of a candy paper airplane. It looked so attractive and made him slowly follow it. All of a sudden, a car sped around the corner towards Joon Min, who was oblivious of the sudden danger he was in.

Y/N found the tissue in her bag, and looked back up to wipe Joo Min's nose, only to find that he wasn't there. That moment her heart almost stopped beating, seeing the speeding car and Joon Min standing in the middle of the road.

Unable to thinkY/N immediately ran forward, grabbing the small boy and shielding him with her body as the car dangerously swerved to the side and hit the road railing.

Fortunately, the driver was not seriously injured by the impact, he opened the door hurriedly, and ran towards Y/N and Joon Min "Miss, are both okay? I'm so sorry, before my brake wasn't working all the sudden."

Y/N was in too much shock to pay attention to the man. She let go of Joon Min who was held tightly in her embrace, shivering in fear. "Joonie, are you okay?"

Joon Min was so scared his face was deathly pale, like he had just seen a ghost. He hugged Y/N tightly and didn't say a word. Y/N just held him closer in his embrace and carried him to the side away from the road. After a while, he lifted his head and : "Mom, I'm okay..."

"Joon Min, you made me so scared." The parking lot was at the opposite of the restaurant, when the accident happened, Jimin's car just recently came out. The side of the road was set up with railing around it, so when he saw the car speeding over, he was unable to go over fast enough. At that moment, Y/N rushed out to save Joon Min.

Seeing that the mother and son were both unharmed, he felt a little bit relieved He hurriedly drove over and supported Y/N to stand: "Are you okay?"

Y/N shook her head, except her face looked somewhat pale. Physically, she looked okay and Joon Min also didn't get any injury, just being scared off.

From her embrace, Jimin picked up Joon Min: "Let's get in the car first."

Coming back to Park's residence, Y/N first went to Joon Min's room, helped him to take a bath, chang clothes, then carried him back to the room again. At this moment, Joon Min's little face just recover some color. He took the initiative to hug Y/N's neck. "Mom, I'm sorry."

Y/N knew that time he was chasing after that paper airplane, she lowered her head and kissed his forehead: "Joonie, next time at the roadside, you need to be more careful, okay?"

Joon Min obediently nodded his head.

Y/N waited until he was sleeping before leaving the room. She went downstairs quietly, and took out a first-aid kit. Then she sat down on the sofa and folded up her trousers, exposing her right leg. Around her knee, there was a graze wound covered with dried blood, which was stuck to the trouser cloth. With great difficulty, she slowly pulled the remaining cloth off her knee and away from the wound. Then she opened the first-aid kit and took out the antiseptic to disinfect the wound.

Suddenly a hand stretched out and took the antiseptic from her hand.

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