Chapter 4

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"Joonie, I know this might be hard for you to understand, but your dad was away from us for a very long time, and now he's back. We are all very happy to have him back in our lives, but we need to make some changes now that he's home. One of those changes is that you need to start sleeping in your own room."

Grandma hoped her great-grandson would accept and understand the new normal of his family's life. "I know this might be scary for you, but I promise that everything will be okay."

She asks the nanny to take him to his newly prepared room. "You both sit down, I have something to say."

Y/N knew what Grandma wanted to say. Even all maids in the house knew it, so they left the room. Now, it was just five of them in living room: Grandma, Jimin, Y/N, and Jimin's parents.

"Listen Jimin, I know you don't like to be told what to do, but your son is sick. You both know the importance of this baby to help Joonie, you both need to hurry and so Joonie will be saved."

Y/N lowered her head and stayed silent. She knew in her heart there was no other way to save her son. Joon Min was the only person she cherished most in her life, and no matter what she would help him.

Looking at how Jimin pursed his lips and said nothing, Jimin's dad, Park Joo Hyuk with deep voice said: "Jimin, did you hear what grandmother said?"

Jimin shrugged, stood up, then left.

"Jimin! Park Jimin!" Park Joo Hyuk was extremely mad, but Jimin didn't even turn his head.

Grandma looked at Y/N: "Y/N, don't worry, no matter what, I won't let anything bad happen to Joonie. He will be okay."

"I know, Grandma." Y/N smiled bitterly.

No matter how unpleasant this was, she couldn't do anything about it. After all, for Park Joon Min, she was willing to do anything.

Y/N opened the bedroom door and noticed Jimin was standing near the window and talking with someone on the phone.

His voice was completely gentle and soft.

There was no need to question who he was talking to, as Y/N immediately knew who was on the phone with him. Who else could it be except his most loved woman, Kim Seulgi?

She took off her coat and entered the bathroom. Today was a very busy day, and her whole body was aching. Y/N decided to take a bath and later go to Joon Min's room to accompany him to take an afternoon nap.

She filled the bathtub, took off her clothes and laid down in the warm water. She had a lot of things on her mind, but she wanted to forget it, even just for a little while.

She closed her eyes, leaning over the edge of the bathtub and feeling the warmth of the water surrounding her body. The heat soothed her tired muscles, and she finally relaxed a bit.

Suddenly, she heard the bathroom door opening as someone entered the room.Surprised, Y/N immediately opened her eyes. Her first response was to grab the bath towel she left on the side and cover her exposed body.

"You take a bath in a broad daylight?" Jimin folded his arms arrogantly, chuckling "Y/N, you sure were in a hurry."

Y/N was not very happy with Jimin's sudden invasion of her privacy. Crinkling her brows, she pointed to the door: "Get out!" she shouted.

Jimin bent down and used his finger to hook the clothes she took off, before throwing it harshly in her direction: "Wear your clothes and get out, I have something to say to you."

Looking at his dashing silhouette leave the bathroom, Y/N just realized she was so mad that her heart was beating incredibly fast.

Y/N took a deep breath and stepped out of the bath, feeling the cold air hit her wet skin., Shivering a little, she wiped her body dry and put the clothes before exiting the bathroom.

Jimin was sitting on the bed while absentmindedly playing with his phone. When he heard Y/N came out, he raised his eyes. "I don't want to have another child with you..." he started.

He stayed silent for a while, still staring at Y/N with cold eyes. "But this is the only way to save Joon Min, so I don't have any choice, but I will not touch you."

Y/N looked at Jimin questioningly. Did Jimin want to keep himself 'pure' for Seulgi? She knew he hated the idea of touching her, so she guessed it would be normal for him to look into another method to conceive a baby. Y/N did not reply, but instead waited for Jimin to speak again, as she was also curious as to what kind of method he was thinking of.

Jimin gave his phone to her: "We can try test tube baby."

Y/N paused slightly, thinking about his suggestion. "The success of test tube baby is very low. If it doesn't work out then what should we do? You know Joon Min cannot wait for that long."

Jimin scoffed and looked at Y/N mockingly. "Y/N, do you really want me to touch you that bad? Don't tell me that you have no man by your side after all these years."

Y/N knew Jimin was seizing the opportunity to humiliate her.

"Low success rate doesn't mean it has no chance." Jimin replied nonchalantly.

"But Joon Min will not be able to wait that long." Y/N bit her lip anxiously, "We can try one time, but if it doesn't work then..."

"If it doesn't then I'm going to make love with you to make you pregnant?" Jimin laughed coldly stood up from the bed, walking towards her: "Y/N, I want you to agree to my one term."

"What term?" Y/N inquired. Feeling uncomfortable by his sudden approach, she took a few steps back to create some distance between them..

Jimin didn't care, his pouty lips gradually opened: "After Joon Min recovers, I want to get divorced."

It turns out that this was his intention all along...

Y/N looked at Jimin blankly. Frankly, the marriage between them originally was not her wish, so she nodded her head and responded frankly: "Okay."

Jimin was startled by her fast and accepting response. He studied her face only to see an unfazed and uncaring expression. He didn't really understand the woman in front of him. Didn't she marry him for Park family's wealth? How could she easily agree to his term? Jimin frowned slightly. What was her intention?

"After the divorce, you will not be Mrs Park anymore." Jimin continued, unable to control his need to see Y/N feel humiliated and defeated."Everything that you have now will be gone."

Y/N didn't budge. "I know." After all, it would be better not to be married to a man that didn't love her.

"Okay Y/N, remember your words." Jimin narrowed his eyes, disappointed by her bland reaction. "Tomorrow we're going for the check-up, so prepare yourself."

Y/N nodded, turned around, and left.

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