Chapter 50

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There was no need to think, just by smelling this scent, she could easily identify whose coat was this.

It was too familiar, it belonged to Jimin.

She pulled the coat away from her body and threw it on the sofa. She wore her shoes and went over toward Joon Min's bed and noticed that he was not awake yet.

There were only Y/N and Joon Min on the room. She didn't really have any interest to know Jimin whereabout. Perhaps Seulgi had some problems, so he went there. Anyway, in his heart, Seulgi is the most important, how could he let her have any problems?

Y/N was about to pull a chair to sit beside Joon Min, suddenly the door was opened from outside.

The one entered was Jimin.

He looked at Y/N who already awake and startled for awhile, it was obvious he thought that she would sleep a little bit longer.

Jimin was carrying a several plastic bags, he closed the door quietly then placed the plastic bags on the table and put the things out.

It was breakfast foods.

"Since you are awake, come here and eat breakfast."

Y/N looked toward the table and noticed it was her favorite breakfast from her favorite restaurant. She couldn't help but thinking about how could Jimin know her favorite?"

She suddenly remembered, when the last time she was hit by Shin Ji, Jungkook bought this breakfast dishes for her and Jimin was also there.

So, was this coincidental or....

He especially went there to buy it?

Actually she preferred to think this as coincidental, despite this restaurant was quite far from the hospital, it was in different areas. One was in the southern part of the city, and the other one is at the north of the city.

But Y/N didn't want to think too much, because every time she expect something, it would be another disappointment.

Noticing that she was not coming toward the table, Jimin put down the things on his hand and moved toward her to pull her toward the table: "You haven't even eat anything since yesterday, your health is very weak."

Y/N was quite disgusted with his action of holding her hand, so she shook away his hand: "Let me do it by myself."

She knew that eventhough she didn't have any appetite but she should eat something and she couldn't be so careless about her health She had be to healthy so she could take care of Joon Min.

She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and also her face, when she was out of the restroom, Jimin was already done put all the food on the table.

The food was still really hot, but thinking about the distance between hospital and that restaurant plus the temperature outside was below zero, so she could hardly imagine how fast he was driving his car.

That breakfast restaurant would be so crowded during this hour, especially during the weekend, because they were serving delicious dishes with affordable price. The queue must be so long.

Today was the weekend.

No matter if Jimin was doing this because of coincidental or not, but he definitely couldn't skipped the line.

Probably because he had stayed outside for quite some time, Y/N could even felt the chillness from his body when she sat beside him.

She was silent and her eyes was glancing toward his forehead.

She knew he got into an accident when he was on his way to the hospital and he had an injury on his forehead. It looked like it hadn't been treated well because there was still trace of dried blood on it.

He still wore the same black shirt as yesterday, it was somewhat wrinkled. It was really different compared to his usual self that look luxurious and snooty.

But she just pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

Suddenly Jimin also raised his eyes and their gaze met across each other.

She was somewhat panicky and immediately shifted her gaze. She pretended like that never happened, but she actually knew that it was too obviously.

She started to lower her head to eat the food, and didn't raise her head again.

"Y/N." Jimin called her.

Her movement stopped, but she didn't say anything.

"Let's chat about Joon Min's matter."

Y/N raised her head andwhen she about to say something, the door was opened. Jin, who was wearing a white doctor suit, went inside.

He went to see them and smiled: "You both just continue to enjoy your meal, I just come to look at Joon Min."

Jin was a surgeon, so basically he was very busy. He had some free time at the moment so he came to check on Joon Min. But when he was about to go out, he remembered that he forget something. So he went back inside and gave a bag of medicine and put it on the table.

He pointed out to Jimin's forehead injury: "Auntie called me to help you treat the injury. But since Y/N is here, just let Y/N help you to treat it. It just a simple injury, nothing major. I'm gonna go now, I have a surgery to do."

He then blinked at Y/N, then left.

After Jin left, the rom was silent and the atmosphere was very strange. Both of them didn't say anything.

Jimin reached his hand to take the bag medicine from Jin. There were a bandage, liquid disinfectant, and cotton inside it.

He used his hand to touch the injury and wrinkled his eyebrow. He opened the bottle and poured it to the cotton. When he was about to touch it, Y/N took the cotton from his hand: "Let me."

Then she just raised up and went to the restroom to wash her hand. She went over Jimin and stood in front of him, she used the towel first to wipe the blood trace on his forehead.

Because it was left untreated for a night, it was somewhat difficult to wipe it clean, she added more strength to wipe it, but she accidentally touched the injury. Then the blood started to flow from the dried wound.

Y/N noticed it and felt terrible: "Sorry."

"It's okay." But at this moment Jimin just held to her slender wrist.

He still concerned about Joon Min's matter.

After all, it was better to be settle their problem during this time, while Joon Min was still unconscious.

Y/N nodded, she used the disinfectant to wipe it for a while. Then tore a bandage and stick it on the injury.

"There you go."

Then she noticed her distance to Jimin, they were really closed that they could feel each other's breath.



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