Chapter 52

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Y/N was somewhat moved emotionally and she nodded. It was true that these several years, Jungkook was really caring toward them both, Joon Min was also in good relationship with him.

This huge situation occurred indeed she need to tell him.

"I will definitely tell you next time."

Jungkook felt satisfied to hear her answer, then he observed her. His smile was full of gentleness.

There was a cough and a knocked sound from the half-opened door.

Both Y/N and Jungkook looked toward the door.

Jimin who was just got back now standing outside the door, didn't know how long he's been standing there.

His handsome face was expressionless and just looked at Y/N: "Y/N, come with me for awhile. Doctor is looking for us."

Doctor was looking for them definitely regarding Joon Min's matter, so Y/N didn't want to delay. She said to the man beside her: "Kookie, can you help me to take care of Joonie for a while?"

Jungkook who was looking face to face with Jimin, then looked at her and said: "Go, I will take care of Joonie."

Y/N nodded then followed Jimin out. They walked side by side to the Doctor's office, they didn't say anything.

Anyway Y/N felt their state of affairs now were quite good, he was just like his original attitude like he used to, looking at this condition Y/N felt relieved.

The time Joon Min recovers, they could finally immediately say goodbye and they would not have any kind of relations anymore.

Because she was thinking about this matter, so she didn't really pay attention to her surroundings. It was common to have a lot of people come and go in the hospital corridor, especially now they were passing the corridor near the emergency room, so there were lots of people there.

A patient was pushed inside the room and Y/N didn't pay attention to it, it was already too late when she noticed. Upon seeing this, Jimin who stood by her side caught her elbow and pulled her to the side.

"Are you okay?"

Y/N shook her head and she noticed that she was in Jimin's embrace at this moment. She frowned: "I'm okay, you can release me."

Jimin just couldn't help but kept thinking about the image in Joon Min's room.

Jungkook was holding Joon Min and used his other hand to patted Y/N's forehead.

It was looked like they were a genuine a family of three.

And he, he was just an outsider.

Y/N's attitude and expression with him was completely different from her attitude with Jungkook.

Jimin didn't release her, but he grasped her slender wrist instead and pulled her to pass through the crowded corridor then they went outside. He looked at her with his cold gaze: "Y/N what is wrong with you? Now I can't even touch you for a little bit? And Jeon Jungkook can touch you all he wants and you're all smiling?"

Y/N was starting to lose her patience and really wanted to slap his face: "Park Jimin, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Think about your attitude toward me these days, you really think that I'm an invisible person? Because you sure treat me like one. Y/N, I'm your husband, stop flirting with other man in the front of me!"

Y/N was furious at this moment but she was laughing instead. The cold wind blew her hair, her eyes were cold yet still elegant and beautiful: "So actually it turns out you still remember that you are my husband? I thought you already forget about it because you sure forget it for four years, so why don't you continue to forget it? Also what is the point for remembering it now? I never mind your business with another woman, and now you're telling me that I'm not allowed to flirt with other man?"

Was this the way she admit her relationship with Jungkook?

At least this moment, Jimin couldn't help but think that wat.

His eyes narrowed dangerously: "Y/N, just try and say it one more time."

Y/N raised her head, smiled slightly and without any fear she looked at him: "Sure, I can say it even for a hundred times. Park Jimin, listen to me...No matter who I am thinking about and who I want to be together with and what we are doing, it is unrelated to you. If want to control me, how about you cut your relationship with Seulgi first. It's mutual between husband and wife. If you can't do it yourself, it also mean that you don't have any right and qualification to request other to follow your order..."

She clearly noticed Jimin's eyes were colder than before while she said these words.

Then with a low voice that probably only the two of them could hear it she said: "I'm sure, in this lifetime you would never able to do that."

She said it then pushed him away. She then continued to walk towards Joon Min's doctor office. She passed the woman she mentioned before, Seulgi, but it didn't made her stopped her steps.

Seulgi was so self-absorbed that she acted there was no one else beside her and she ran to Jimin.

Y/N finally stopped and turned her head, then smiled while looking directly at Jimin with the look that saying she was right and what she said earlier was true.

She forgot that Seulgi also stayed at this hospital. It was also hard for Seulgi to see Jimin these days since he stayed on Joon Min's room so she couldn't really able to control herself.

She didn't turned her head again and just directly went to the doctor's office and she knocked the door.

"Come in."

Joon Min's doctor was startled because Y/N was alone: "Why are you alone? What about Mr Park?"

Y/N thought that he probably would not come.

Seulgi looked like she was about to cry when she saw two of them together just a moment ago, so he must be busy comforting her, how could he be here?

"He suddenly has something to do, so..."

Before she could finish her words then the door was knocked again. Jimin entered the doctor's office then he sat down beside her and said: "Doctor, I'm sorry. I'm late."

She casted a glance toward him te time Jimin sat down beside her, but didn't say anything.

Y/N also didn't expect him to came because from Seulgi's previous appearance, it looked like she wouldn't let him go, she couldn't think of a way for him to runaway from that situation but she hurriedly stopped thinking about that.

Y/N was extremely worried and nervous because Joon Min just experienced of that kind of events, and now his doctor also specially asked them to meet, it made her more anxious now.

"Doctor, you asked us to come here?"

Y/N would always have this kind of response every time it related to Joon Min's matter.

Doctor slightly smiled: "Mrs Park, don't be too nervous. I just want to talk about Joon Min's health.I hope you both remember that I said last time. Please provide him a happy and calm environment because it really affects him. And also about his illness, I hope Mrs Park can deliver the baby as soon as possible, so we can help Joon Min as soon as possible...."

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