Chapter 31

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She bit her lips then used her elbow to poke the man behind her. She glared at him to told him to not mess around.

But Jimin didn't seem to receive her warning, he used his finger to move her hair aside, then put his lips on her neck and opened his mouth and start sucking it.

This man was really doing it on purpose.

Y/N was unable to bear his action.

Jimin fully aware of every part of her body, so he obviously know her most sensitive part.

Y/N felt her breath was getting more and more unsteady. She grasped her phone tighter because she was nervous. She looked to this man, and said softly: "You.... Don't you mess around..."

Jimin crooked up his lips, he didn't having intention to stop, his hand started to move from her collar to her underwear...

"...." Y/N bit her lips, trying her best to not make a sound.

Jungkook already noticed something wrong: "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." She tried hard to calm her breath: "Kookie, I will call you tomorrow."

She said it, then hurriedly hung up the phone. She extremely worried that Jungkook heard something that would make her feel really embarrassed .

After that she used her hand to block off Jimin's chest, glowered at him: "Jimin, what are you doing?!"

Jimin showed his dangerous smile, his pouty lips was placed on her ear side then said; "You."

Y/N's blushed, in a flash her brain was blanked. She didn't expect this cold and disaffection man would say that kind of word.

Jimin suddenly carried her. Because it was so sudden that her body was rising high into the air, so Y/N let out a scared sound, then Jimin put her on the soft bed.

She was about to say something but Jimin's body just pressed her, he touched the necklace on her collarbone: "You haven't answer me, do you like the necklace?"

She was a bit surprised that he could ask this question at a moment like this, Y/N was silent for a while: "I like it, thank you."

Suddenly she remembered something that has been disturbing her for a whole day. She must clarified this clearly.

She looked at Jimin: "There's something I would like to ask you."

" Say it."

"My father said he had received the money, was it you who transferred the money to him?"

His finger undid the buttons of her clothes, his action stopped for a moment when he heard her question. He sneered coldly: "If not, who do you think? Jeon Jungkook?"

Y/N didn't say anything, because from the start, she indeed thought that the money was from Jungkook.

But she still couldn't understand: "Why did you lend him that amount of money?"

After all, previously when she asked him about it, he rejected it without slightest of hesitation, why did he suddenly do it?

Jimin stared at her face, his fingers clutched her chin: "If I didn't lend the money to him, are you planning to accept Jungkook's money?"

"I don't..."

Jimin didn't believe it, he narrowed his eyes: "Y/N, you can't accept and touch Jungkook's thing, do you understand?"

Y/N frowned: "I will think of the way of returning the money to you."

She raised up from the bed and took her wallet inside her bag then took out one of her card out of it: "This is ten million. You take it first, I will think of a way to return the remaining amount...."

Jimin suddenly pulled her body and didn't wait until she finished with her words. He started to captured her lips, he smiled. His voice undoubtedly deep and low sweet sounding: "It would be better to, used another way to repay?"


Y/N was awake by another vibration of her phone, she frowned, her body didn't really willing to move.

The phone kept on ringing non-stop, it kept vibrating. Y/N still closed her eyes, then reach for the phone: "hello..."

"Are you Y/N?" The caller was a female.

Y/N rubbed her eyes, then looked at the screen of the phone.

With a shock, she noticed the screen was showing a name "Seulgi".

This phone was not hers, but Jimin's. She was accidentally answered it because their phones were put together on the bed side table, she thought it was her phone, so she answered it.

She fully awake and felt awkward: "I am."

"I am Seulgi." She replied: "Where is Jimin? How could his phone is with you?"

Y/N looked around the room, realized that Jimin was not in the room and the bathroom's light was turned on.

"He is taking a bath."

"Taking a bath?!" Seulgi yelled, then the phone was silent for a while.

Y/N felt her scalp to be numbed: "Ms Kim..."

She hadn't finished her word, the phone was snatched, she turned her body and looked at Jimin who wore the bathrobe.

He was coldly said: "Who let you answer my call?"

"Sorry, I thought..."

Jimin didn't hear of her explanation, he took the phone and went out to the balcony

Y/N didn't hear what they were talking about. But Jimin must be comforting Seulgi right?

After all, which women could stand her beloved man be together in bed with another woman?

Even if the cause of their togetherness was only just for having a second child to help Joon Min.

How could Seulgi didn't feel anything?

Y/N raised up from the bed and directly went to bathroom. Jimin was still in the balcony with his phone when she finished taking a bath. She ignored it and also ignore the peculiar feeling inside her heart.

Everyone was having a breakfast downstairs.

Y/N greeted the every elders: "Grandma, Mom, Dad, morning."

Grandma was looking in a good mood: "Y/N, sit down."

Y/N sat down, then stroked Joon Min's little face: "Joonie, why are you up so early today?"

"Mom, I accompanied great grandma to go for walk outside."

"Yes, today early in the morning, he was accompanying me." Grandma Park was laughing, then asked: "Y/N, where is Jimin? Is he up?"

"He is, he is taking a call."

Grandma immediately noticed it, her face became heavy: "Is he calling that singer again?"

Grandma always called her singer.

At this time Neon Yun spoke out: "Mom, that is not really good to always call her like that, actually she also a good woman..."

"Good woman?" Grandma laughed coldly, and looked at Neon Yun: "I observed that you quite fond of that singer? Why, since when you are that kind? You're not even care toward your legal daughter-in-law and grandson? How can you be this good to that singer?"

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