Chapter 42

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They both went outside, Neon Yun spoke impatiently: "What will you do about this?"

Jimin put his both hand into his pants' pocket, pursed his lips, didn't say anything.

Neon Yun was somewhat anxious: "You would not still protecting that cunning woman right? This clearly was her doing. She killed your kid! Moreover, Seulgi almost lost her life...."

She didn't finish her sentence, Jimin coldly looked at her: "What do you want me to do? Order people to attack Y/N? Or also push her from the top floor?"

Neon Yun was startled for a while: "Why can't you do it? She should take responsibility of her doing, don't tell me that we would just forget about this! It's not fair for Seulgi, especially your dead kid!"

Jimin was unable to hear more of Neon Yun's word, perhaps it was the effect of lacking of sleep, he felt his temple to be aching. He used her hand to massage it for awhile: "I will handle it by myself."

He said it, then turned his body to leave.

But Neon Yun was still completely in rage: "You always said you would handle, but every time it was about Y/N, when have you ever handle it?"

But he didn't stopped walking away.

After Jimin left, Y/N just sleep but she could only sleep for 2 to 3 hours.

The time she awake, she immediately went to Joon Min's room. Today he was not in really good mood, it seemed because of the yesterday's matter.

Y/N helped him to change his clothes. He raised his face to looked at her: "Mom, is dad home yet?"

Y/N was startled, she forced a smile and said: "Not yet, he is busy, what happened?"

"Who is the aunty we met yesterday? How is she?" Joon Min stood on the bed, his little body moved forward to hug Y/N's neck, and placed his head on her neck. "Is she okay? Mom, I'm afraid that she's dead..."

Y/N lightly pat his back, "Joonie, you are thinking too much, how could she die? She is okay, so you don't need to think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Joon Min finally nodded his head.

After changed his clothes, he apparently still thinking about this: "Mom, who is that auntie? What is her relation with dad?"

Joon Min was really clever and also sesitive, but Y/N didn't want him to think too much especially he was a little kid still. So she used her hand to stroke his little head: "They are friends, that auntie is dad's friend."

"But she bullied you."

"She didn't bully me..."

"She bullied you." Joon Min's face was very stubborn: "She used her drink to wet your dress. You also almost fell down the stairs because she pushed you, she is bad person..."

"Mom, I will protect you. I will not let anyone bully you." Joon Min hugged Y/N.

Y/N was so touched and trying hard to hold her tears. Eventhough it always felt like it was her against the world but at least she had Joon Min, then she said: "Mom knows. In my heart, Joonie is always a brave and capable strong man."

After done with helping Joon Min, she pulled him to go downstairs. He said: "Mom, I want to see dad, I want to tell him that I didn't push that auntie."

"Wait until he is home, we will tell him okay?"


The dining room downstairs.

During their breakfast, Jimin and Neon Yun were not there.

On the dining table only sat down Joo Hyuk and Grandma.

Grandma looked in bad mood, it seemed she was about to explode. But when she looked at Joon Min, she held her emotion.

It had been two days consecutively that Jimin didn't come back home, supposedly he was in the hospital with Seulgi.

These two days, the headline on the news was relating to event happen during Park's family annual party, the news was really written wonderfully and outstandingly. They didn't leave out the detail of Y/N's past, arranged marriage because of her pregnancy, and her success of entering Park family.

Of course, they were all criticizing Y/N.

Although Park Family already used their best to prevent it to spread, but there were a lot of people during the party, moreover, the medias were also there. So they couldn't really do anything about it.

At first in a lot of people's view, Y/N was a reserved person and unscrupulous woman. But now, undoubtedly people also thought her as a ruthless woman.

The public tended to favor Seulgi's side.

They even praised Seulgi because she was loyal and stayed with Jimin even though he should married another woman because that woman tricked him for being pregnant. And because of love, Seulgi even gave up her profession and business, quit from entertainment industry. These years, she continuously stayed on Jimin's side.

Y/N went out from Joon Min's room, the time she was about to go downstairs, she heard Grandma's fury voice.

She only looked at the newspaper on her hands fell on the coffee table, her crutch was knocking down the carpet: "Simply a rubbish, they didn't have enough job to do? They didn't know what happened but they talked like they know it!"

Because she was too emotional, she didn't able to finish her sentence because she coughed intensely.

Looking at this Joo Hyuk, immediately moved forward to support her and asked her to sit down: "Mom, be careful of your health. Don't be too emotional."

Y/N also hurriedly went to pour a glass of water then go to the living room: "Grandma, drink some water."

She went to grandma's side and patted her back to calm her down.

Grandma gradually calmed and waved her one. She pulled Y/N to sit down,  she wanted to say something at first, but looking at the newspaper. She then took it and placed the newspaper on her back.

Y/N smiled, didn't say anything.

Grandma was bitter, how could she not understand? Grandma was worried if Y/N looked at that news, then it would make her stressed about it.

But these things had been on talk for two days, how could she didn't know about it.

Y/N didn't really take this kinda things into her heart.

Even when she was in call with Krystal yesterday and she asked her about it, she just faintly explained it.

It was not the first time for this to happen. Four years ago, when she just twenty years old, she also became a hot topic. But she could passed it back then, so she believed that she could passed it now.

"Y/N...." Grandma held Y/N hand: "Have you seen Jimin these past two days?"

Y/N shook her head and said truthfully: "No."

Neon Yun already came back from the hospital and also sat down on the living room with them. Just a moment ago she was scolded by Grandma that let her be quiet. But this moment after she heard Y/N word, she raised her head to glare at her, and said: "Mom, Seulgi's condition is not really good. She was not only lose her kid, but she even almost lost her life. When she was conscious she wanted to commit suicide so Jimin just stay at the hospital, it was sure that..."

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