Chapter 5

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As long as the result is the same, the process was not really that important.

The next morning, Jimin took Y/N to the hospital to do the check up.

It looked like he had already arranged everything, so when they arrived, he immediately took Y/N to the doctor's office.

A tall and handsome man wearing a white coat entered the office and smiled warmly at them "You're here."

"Kim Seokjin." Jimin greeted him with a low voice.

"I already helped to make an appointment, you can just go over there." Jin put down the notebook that was in his hands on the table: "If your grandma knows, I suppose she will not forgive you both."

"That's why I need to keep it a secret." Jimin raised his brow: "You don't need to send us over, just call the nurse, I know that you are very busy." Seokjin nodded, bidding the couple goodbye before leaving the room. A nurse later returned to pick up Y/N in preparation for the check up.

The early preparation of the test- tube baby was one hundred percent important.As it directly affected success rate, it couldn't be done carelessly.

Y/N only just found out what kind of preparation should be done for the test tube baby, and immediately she regretted agreeing to this. But there was no way to turn back now, so she just hoped that this would be a success. If not, everything would just be a waste of time.

By the time they left the hospital, Y/N's face was pale. Jimin cast a glance at her, not really caring about her condition. "As long as it works out, Joon Min will not be waiting that long..." he spoke.

"You don't need to talk anymore..." Y/N faintly cut him off. She knew in Jimin's heart Joon Min was not important, so he didn't have to pretend he was doing this for Joon Min: "I know you don't want to touch me, but for me, you are no better than a stranger. Not a lot of people will agree to share the bed with a stranger."

She thought with her words, he would understand that she didn't like him and didn't want to touch him too. But instead Jimin's eyes turned cold with hatred. "Didn't someone do that four years ago?" he spat.

Y/N felt her face heat up, and turned away in embarrassment. Four years ago, it was indeed her father who planned the evil scheme. But what was the difference? No matter what, Jimin will hate them for it anyway.


Joon Min and Grandma were sitting down on the living room couch, watching TV. As soon as Y/N and Jimin entered the house, grandma smiled at them happily.

She patted Joon Min's head: "Joonie, do you want to go outside and play?"

Because of Joon Min's health,he couldn't go to kindergarten. Even if he was already discharged from the hospital, he was still weak and sick, so he still was unable to go.

"Great grandma, do you want to take me out to play?" Joon Min blinked his big brown eyes cutely..

"Your Mom and Dad will take you." Grandma pointed to Jimin and Y/N who just came in. Both of them stopped in their tracks, startled.

"Grandma, it's okay, I can take Joonie myself." Y/N replied nervously. She knew that Jimin would not willingly agree to go and she didn't want to trouble him further. They didn't need him to come along.

"You guys should go together." Grandma commanded: "Joonie, go change your clothes." Y/N sighed. It looked like grandma wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Joon Min slid down from the sofa turning around to whisper in Grandma's ear "Actually I don't want Dad to go with us, but because you requested, then I will just let him follow us."

Grandma looked at Joon Min with amusement, surprised by the words that just came out of his mouth. She smiled, stroking his head before whispering back. "Then you need to take care of your Mom okay?, don't let your Dad hurt her."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me, I definitely will protect mom." Joon Min patted his chest proudly.

Because of Grandma command, Jimin got no choice but to go with them.

Inside the car, Jimin turned his head to look at mother and son, who sat closely to each other lovingly "Where do you want to do?" he asked.

Y/N turned to Joon Min with a smile. "Joonie, where do you want to go?"

"The zoo." Joon Min answered without thinking.

Y/N lightly pinched her small nose. She wasn't too fond of walking around looking at the animal enclosures in this weather. Plus it smelled. "But it's winter now, look, there's so much snow you wouldn't able to see anything!" she lied.

"Let's go to the amusement park instead." Y/N suggested. Today was Saturday, there would be a lot of people there and Joon Min loved crowded places.

"Okay." Joon Min replied happily. "Dad just take us to the amusement park."

Because of his frail body, Joon Min has always been afraid of the cold, so he always wore a lot of thick layers: thick fur jacket, knitted hat, scarf, gloves.

Joon Min leaned into Y/N's embrace. "Mom, sing me a song." he requested innocently.


Y/N had no choice but to sing as her son requested. But she was not really a good singer. She felt embarrassed, but Joon Min loved his mom's voice more than anything. Y/N snuck a look into the rear view mirror. Jimin's eyebrows were crinkled and he looked annoyed. Trying to ignore him, she continued singing until Joon Min was satisfied.

They finally arrived at the park. Y/N fixed Joon Min's clothes and put on his knitted hat and gloves. Outside was really cold, she couldn't let him get sick.

Stopping in front of the park, Y/N and Joon Min exited the car while Jimin left to find a parking spot.Y/N carried Joon Min and bought tickets, then waited for Jimin at the entrance.

Joon Min hugged Y/N's neck, his little mouth leaned to her ear and whispered: "Mom, Dad definitely loved your voice."

"..." Y/N didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she blushed with shame.

Jimin parked the car and he saw the view of mother and son hugging and whispering to each other's ears, their relationship was really good that they didn't care about their surroundings.

That moment Jimin felt that his heart was somewhat being stirred up.

He took the initiative to walk up to Y/N and stretched his hand toward her: "Let me carry him."

Y/N was silent for a while then she nodded. When she was about to pass Joon Min to Jimin, who would expect that this little brat suddenly didn't want to be carried. He was still not used to Jimin's touch: "Let me walk by myself." he said.

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