Chapter 39

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Jimin didn't release her: "Wear the shoes and the clothes."

Y/N's legs were red. She already felt so numb.

Taehyung was carrying two plastic bags, on one plastic was a pair of shoes, and on the other side a clothes. He passed the plastic bags: "The weather is very cold, please wear these"

Y/N looked at the two plastic bags for awhile and then looked up to Jimin and with her chilly eyes said: "Thank you for Mr Park's kindness, but I won't accept it. Ms Kim is okay right? Then excuse me, may I ask can I leave yet? Or should I stay here in case she needs more blood so you can just take it all?"

Jimin tightly clutched her arm: "What are you stubborn about in front of me? Don't you know that the weather outside is really cold? Do you want to freeze to death?"

Y/N pried open his finger one by one: "Freeze to death also unrelated to you. Mr Park should be only concerned of Ms Kim. My problems are unrelated to you, so please mind your business!"

Y/N then left, Jimin stood in front of the doorway, looked at her tall slender figure to slowly go away and disappear for his sight.

"Mr Park...." Taehyung said, his voice sounded worried.

"Follow her then bring her home." Jimin said, and he felt uneasy feeling in his heart.

Y/N didn't bring her phone and wallet. Then she borrowed the phone from the hospital, when she was about to dial the number but she didn't know who to call.

She couldn't call Song family because there was never a person that she can rely on.

She only had few friends. These past few years, she only interacted with Jungkook and Krystal, but they both were not in the country at the moment.

After thought about it for awhile, she put the phone down.

Because she didn't even get to eat anything at the gala, it made her eyes slightly fuzzy.

Her body swayed for few times and there was someone who supported her.

"Miss, are you okay?"

After Y/N stood well, she shook her head.

In front of her was a young woman, there was a white robe on his wrist. She asked: "Your face doesn't look well, what happened?"

"I'm okay."

When the woman looked that Y/N didn't want to say anymore, she didn't ask further, just smiled and said: "My name is Nayeon, I just finished an operation and prepared to go home. Miss, do you need a ride home?"

Y/N hesitated for a while: "Thank you."

Taehyung went to follow Y/N butt he couldn't find her. He encircled the hospital and looked outside, but still he couldn't find her.

His heart felt an unease feeling then hurriedly came back.

At first Jimin thought Taehyung already on the home with Y/N, so he didn't expect him to be back this soon, he frowned and said: "Y/N?"

Taehyung used his palm to support his forehead: "I didn't see her, I've looked everywhere but couldn't find her. Mr Park, can you try to call her phone?"

Y/N remembered her appearance when she left: "She didn't bring phone...."

Also didn't have her wallet....

She even only wore a thin clothes with no shoes.....

"Then...." Taehyung also stupefied and he didn't know what to do.

Jimin reach his hand toward him: "Give me my car key."

After he got it, then he said with a low voice: "You stay at the hospital and keep looking for Y/N, if there is any information, call me."

"I get it, Mr Park."

This moment the room was opened.

"Jimin, where are you going? Don't go anywhere, Seulgi can wake up any time and she will be anxious if she doesn't see you. You know she just lost her baby, she must feel sad, you need to comfort her..."

Neon Yun heard what were they saying before, of course she wouldn't let Jimin go.

Jimin held the car key and said: "I will go for awhile."


Neon Yun's yelling couldn't stop Jimin from leaving, he didn't even turn his head.

He drove his car encircling the hospital to look for her. Jimin knew Jungkook and Krystal were not in the country. Moreover, he knew that she couldn't go anywhere beside to Park family house, she wouldn't go to Song family.

It was starting to snow outside and the weather turned even colder. Even there was not that much vehicles and people on the traffic.

Jimin's search turned empty-handed, Taehyung also didn't have any news.

He drove the car to Park house, but Y/N was not home. It turned out that Grandma already asked someone to pick her but he also didn't find her.

Grandma's face was furious and pointed to Jimin: "If something happen to Y/N, I will not let you go! Do you hear me Park Jimin?"

Jimin just stayed silent then continue his search.

He definitely would find Y/N, he would not let something happen to her!

He didn't know how long he looked for her, he also asked people's help to look for her. Finally, he got a call from Taehyung. He told him that Y/N was brought home by a female doctor from the hospital.


Taehyung startled for awhile: "What address?"

He was about to explode, impatiently Jimin said: "That doctor's address, immediately search it for me."

"Okay, I will immediately look for it."

Taehyung originally just called him to tell that Y/N was okay, to let him to be at ease. But he didn't expect him to immediately wanted the address of the doctor.

His efficiency was quite high, so he could get Nayeon's address in no time and immediately sent it to Jimin.

"It's already so late, can I stay here for a night? I will be back tomorrow." Y/N asked Nayeon and she agreed. Morever, she was worried so of course she let her stay for the night.

Y/N took a warm bath and changed her clothes. Nayeon already cooked two bowls of ramyeon then placed it in front of her.

"Thank you, Doctor Nayeon, I trouble you a lot."

"No you're not, let's eat." Nayeon picked up the chopstick and ate the ramyeon.

Although she was confused over Y/N's pity appearance at the hospital but she knew that Y/N might not want to talk about it, so she didn't ask further.

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