Chapter 11

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"He is busy."

"I know that he is busy, but today is my birthday, did you forget? I have already picked Joon Min up to go my house, so later on you and Jimin need to come here."

Not waiting for Y/N's reply, he immediately hung up.

She didn't expect that she would have to bring Jimin home, or that her dad would suddenly pick Joon Min up. Y/N frowned and prepared her things to leave.

Krystal overheard the conversation between the father and daughter. "Where are you going now?"

Y/N arranged her scarf. "I will go to Jimin's office to ask him to go with me to my family's house."

Krystal frowned. "Will he agree to go with you?"

They all know, Jimin simply didn't like Y/N. Not even a bit. In his eyes, she was no different with Song Jun Seo, so how could he be willing to go with her to Song Family's house?

"I don't know, but I'll try."

She left the coffee shop and on her way to Jimin's office, she was thinking about how to convince him to go with her. It's not like she could ask him to do that.

Y/N tried calling his phone but no one answered, she was on her way there anyway so might as well just ask him in person and see if he agrees.

Although Y/N has been married into Park family for four years,  she never really showed herself to the public. Thanks to Park Family's interference, there was no any photo of her published in the media. She was thankful for that because she was a low-key person and didn't want to be the talk of the town.

Not only that, she was only the Song Family's mistress daughter; her mother basically was kept secret by Jun Seo, and she finally married into the Song family after the his legal wife passed away.

When she was marrying Jimin, it became the talk of the town. Everyone said that she was a cunning woman, she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted.

But these four years, Y/N was very low-key, she never even stepped onto Park company office, therefore no one in the company knew her.

When she arrived at the Park company, the receptionist was skeptical so the only way the receptionist would let her enter was by saying that she's Jimin's wife.

Pretty sure it would be the talk after this. Mr. Park cunning wife showed her face to public after so many years. She looked basic compared to rich people's wife, didn't she marry Jimin for money?

Y/N could see that she was surprised after knowing that she was the wife of the boss and she let Y/N went up to Jimin's office but he wasn't there because his secretary said that Jimin's in a meeting. No wonder he was unable to answer her calls.

Y/N sat down on the sofa inside Jimin's office and looked at her wrist. She didn't know when the meeting's over but she had no choice but to wait for him.

Ever since Joon Min was sick, all Y/N's attention was on him. She always took care of Joon Min since he was so fragile. Y/N couldn't really sleep well at night so for having time to just sit on the sofa made her sleepy and she fell asleep.

When Jimin finished his meeting, his secretary said that his wife is waiting inside his office. "What is she doing here?" He said inside.

He disgustedly frowned but turned his body and went toward his office room.

When he opened the door, he looked at Y/N who was leaning on the sofa, fast asleep. He went to his table and put the document on his hands onto the table to make a loud noise to wake Y/N up so he didn't have to wake her up directly.

Jimin thought that loud noise would wake Y/N up, but it didn't, she was still sleeping.

"Y/N, wake up." He called her but still she didn't respond.

Jimin used his finger and touched his eyebrows; didn't know what to do. Before Jimin could pat Y/N's cheek to wake her up, Y/N hand unconsciously moved to undo her scarf; it was uncomfortable to wearing a scarf while sleeping. Jimin could see the hickeys covering her neck.

Jimin stayed rigid on the ground, he recalled the scene last night when Y/N was under him.

At first, it was just slight interest when he touched her, but at last, he lost control.

He never thought that he would lose control towards Y/N.

It was very ridiculous.

Aware that he was having  such wild thoughts, he shake his head and finally patted Y/N's cheek, he notice how smooth and delicate it was.

Without realizing it, he observed Y/N, she placed one of her hand on the edge of the sofa to prop up her head. Her appearance was very delicate. His staring at her lips; her lips were full.

That moment, Jimin thought of some fresh cherries.

He couldn't help but admit, Y/N was a beautiful woman.

But he also thought that she was a beautiful but cunning, she could do anything to get people get what she wanted.

Thinking about it, Jimin's face turned cold and he clutched Y/N's chin roughly.

Y/N woke up by this aggressive action and when she looked at Jimin's cold and annoyed face she was slightly panicked.

Jimin silently cursed, his thumb and forefinger pressing against her lower jaw: "Even when you're sleeping, you're still trying to seduce people, Y/N, you are indeed hard to change your own nature."

Y/N was completely conscious at this moment, she was blinking a few times in confusion; her mouth slightly open. "What is wrong with him?" She thought.

She couldn't completely disregarded his harsh tone but she came with a mission so she let go of Jimin's hand and put her scarf on and tidied herself up.

Jimin sneered coldly and sat on his chair; didn't take his eyes off Y/N. "Why did you come here?"

Y/N felt intimidated by his stares and shift her eyes down, she looked up again after gathering all the courage to ask him, thankfully Jimin's attention was on the papers.

"My father wants us to come to my family house for dinner to celebrate his birthday."

Jimin who was about to turn a page of his file paused to look at Y/N. He laughed coldly. "I don't have time to deal with insignificant people."

His tone was full of hatred, of course, Y/N could notice it clearly, she knew already he wouldn't easily agree to her request.

But she knew Jun Seo, there would be consequences if she couldn't bring Jimin to their house tonight.

"My father just ask a simple request, Jimin. Can you please save my face and just accept it?"

Jimin thought it was like hearing some kind of joke. "What kind of dignity could you possibly have?"

Y/N's face completely changed, it was true. In front of him, what kind of dignity did she have? In his eyes, she was just a shameless woman.

"Joon Min is already there."

Jimin finally put the file down and looked at Y/N in the eyes. "You really want me to go?"

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