Chapter 15

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When Jimin recalled the scene where Y/N was hit, he noticed that something was off, it was just strange. Shin Ji didn't look like she was in a right mind. Moreover the most ridiculous thing was Jun Seo didn't really care about it.

The other Song daughter was somewhere in the house and unexpectedly Jun Seo could just sit down and relax while reading the newspaper.

"Your mom do this often?"

Y/N pursed her lips but didn't give a direct answer. "She is getting better these days."

Jimin was somewhat a sharp person, how could he didn't catch the meaning behind her words. Better? So she was even worse before? "When did she start to be like that?"

Y/N understood he was talking to her mother. But it just felt strange that Jimin wanted to know about her problems. Besides, she didn't really want to tell anyone about her mother's condition, especially not to the man in front of her.

"She just act like that when she doesn't feel safe..." Y/N took a great effort to lift up her head and looked at him. "It's late. You can't go home, thank you for today."

Without any expression, Jimin stared at her. "No need to thank me. Don't you said that she would stop eventually with or without my help."

Y/N always knew that Jimin was a sharp-tongued person; especially toward her. She was still trying to get used to it.

"I still need to thank you Mr. Park."

"Mr Park?" Jimin raised his brows. "So it turns out you like to call your husband that way?"

"Husband?" Y/N felt it was quite hilarious, this was her first time hearing this word from Jimin's mouth. She looked at this man and see that his beautiful eyes were dim and full of sneering look.

"Isn't it what you always remind me? That I need to acknowledge my status."

Both of Jimin's hands were on the bed side and suddenly he leaned over, with his arrogance, he examined her. "Y/N, since when do you really listen to my words?"

Because two of them was to close, they could feel each other's breath. Y/N didn't used to be so close with him, she immediately got somewhat panicking and push him away. But this sudden movement implicated the backside wounds; she hissed in pain.

Jimin pressed her down to stop her movement. "If you don't want to get hurt, don't move too much."

Y/N endured the pain and pushed his hands off "I want to get a rest, you can go now."

"Grandma told me to stay here tonight and take care you."

"No need, I can take care of myself."

"Whatever you please." Jimin pursed his lips and said it with his cold nonchalant voice. Then, he picked up his car keys and coat then left the room.

She didn't know which part of her was provoking the eldest son of Park family, she was always in confusion. Anyway in his eyes, what ever she did, was wrong. Y/N let out a bitter laugh and trying to shift her mind from it.

Now she could only lie on her stomach on the bed to sleep, however, maintaining this position for a long time made her body numb. She wanted to cry so bad, she was enduring the tears since she was hit by Shin Ji but it would be painful if she cries anyway since it would affected the wound on her back so she just closed her eyes hoping to be able to sleep.

She was tired, really really tired.

Jimin opened the car door and sit on the driver's seat but he didn't start on the car.

He kept thinking about what just happened. Why was it bothering him anyway?

Why should he care?

He didn't come home and just stay in the car until he checked his wrist and realized that it was already dawn.

Jimin then came back to Y/N room.

She was asleep on the bed, still maintaining the same position as he left her.

Y/N didn't really have a good sleep because of the pain on her back. Because it was winter time, it was still dark at 6 o'clock. So she slowly sat down and got up. The room was dark, she tried to found her way to turn on the light but she hit the table that make the glass shattered on the ground. It caused a loud crash sound and shocked her as she took a step backward.

But all of the sudden the light was on, she narrowed her eyes looking for the one who turned the light on. Then, she noticed Jimin was sitting down on the sofa and staring at her.

She was startled.

Didn't he go home last night? Did he sleep on the sofa all night?


His face was not good at all, probably because he stayed all night on the sofa and didn't really get a good sleep. Y/N felt the atmosphere was somewhat awkward, although they are husband and wife, but they were not any better than a stranger.

If it wasn't for Joon Min. In this lifetime, they would not have any connection.

Before she could say anything, Jimin already stood up from the sofa and walker to her. She didn't know why but his movement made her instinctively moved backward.

Jimin grabbed her by her waist, avoided her back wound, intentionally to stop her to moving.

His eyes stared at her delicate little face. "Y/N, am I extremely dangerous and threatening to you?"

They were really close to the point she could feel his breath sprinkled in front of her face, she also realized that her heart was beating very fast.

"Wh, what?" She didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Why that every time you see me, you immediately want to hide?" Jimin slowly started caressing her cheek, "Didn't you like to show up in front of my face before?"

Y/N's turned pale, she knew he was talking about that thing that happened around four years ago. In the past, Jun Seo continuously brought her in front of his face. If she declined, Jun Seo said he would throw Shin Ji out of Song family residence.

Y/N just slightly smiled. "I'm not used to be this close to you."

"You are not used to?" Jimin raised his brows and leaned even closer toward her and stopped right in front of her lips. Only a slight of movement, he could touch her lip.

He then talk in his raspy voice, almost whispering. "Then you can learn to be more used to it, because we need to be far more intimate than this."

Y/N knew what he meant, their body tangled together. She didn't find this anywhere comfortable, she put her hands on his chest to back him up then glared at his handsome face. "It's not really necessary, perhaps I'm already pregnant by now, isn't Mr. Park that capable? It was just one time, then there was Joon Min..."

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