Chapter 9

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T/W: sexual assault.

"Let you go?" Jimin chuckled as if he just heard a joke. "Isn't this what you want? I am doing you a favor, how can I just let you go?"

All of sudden, Y/N felt her body was up in the air as Jimin carried her. She was completely unprepared for this so she cried out in alarm. She felt she needed to grasp onto something because she was scared, but she unconsciously hold his arm.

Jimin laughed coldly. "Y/N, why are you grabbing me tight if you say you don't want to do it?"

This man was really vicious. Y/N tried to wriggle away from him, she pushed him in the chest, tried to push back away from him. He was too strong.

He threw her to the bed harshly. Before she could get up, Jimin pressed her body down. She was now trapped between him and the bed.

The look in Jimin's eyes was really frightening. She instinctively struggled under him. "Jimin, don't be like this, let's talk properly." Her chest was moving rapidly, panting, tried to fill her lungs with air.

Jimin pulled both of her hands and pinned it above her head. He looked at her without any particular expression. "There's nothing to talk about."

His eyes were cold. He held her collar, then took off her jacket and threw it away. Jimin started to take off the remaining clothes on her body. "Don't you want another child? Then let me fulfil your wish!"

His fingers roughly made their way to her panties, she started to cry, wriggling and pushing him with all of her strength. His fingers touching her now and his breath in her ear.

She couldn't do anything. "Jimin, you cannot do this, let me go, let me go!" she shrieked.

The corner of her eyes were full of tears.

But Jimin gripped her arms even tighter and trapped her legs under him to stop them from moving. Jimin narrowed his eyes and stared into Y/N's fearful ones. "Are you sure you want me to let go? Are you sure you don't want to save Joon Min?"

Y/N finally comes to her senses.

Right, how could she give up on Park Joon Min....

She once swore herself to do anything she could to help him recover.

Y/N finally stopped moving, laying limp under him. She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and tried to calm down, but thoughts raced through her mind and she could not find peace. "Jimin, I haven't prepared yet." she sobbed.

At least not like this. This is rape!

"There's no need to prepare to do this kind of thing." Jimin finally took off the last item on her body. He violently ripped it: "Haven't you prepared long enough?


The time Y/N woke up, it was not daytime, the sky was dark outside.

She laid on her stomach, she couldn't even move. Her long hair splayed over the pillow, eyes closed and breathing deeply. Her whole body was felt like it broken, there was no part of her that was not aching.

There was no light in the room, only the light from the bathroom.

Jimin was taking a shower in the bathroom, because of the sound of water from inside it.

With her shaky hand, she pulled the blanket to cover herself. At this moment she didn't want to face the outside world. She was broken, frail.

The water shut off and after a while she could hear his footstep. The closer his footsteps came, the more her body shook. Then she felt an airy draft as Jimin pulled the covers down.

But Y/N didn't want to look at him. She held the blanket tightly.

Jimin didn't want to argue with her and tried pulling the blanket again before giving up. "Dinner is ready."

Y/N pretended to not hear it, but Jimin also didn't care about her. He opened the wardrobe and changed his clothes then left the room.

Y/N finally lifted the blanket off. She looked at the ceiling with her empty eyes. There she was, bare-footed and naked, she went inside the bathroom. She got in the shower, the water made her body trembling. She started scrubbing her whole body.

She tried to calm herself but the memory of what just happened before continuously played on her mind, she finally couldn't control her emotions so she wailed and cried.

The crying was only to vent her feelings, because Y/N knew that she didn't have any other choice.

But still she thought she was able to have some dignity, but to him, she never possessed such thing, that was why he could do that thing to humiliate her. She felt disgusted with herself.

She hated to do this, now having experienced what happened before. Towards that now her heart felt scared. But she understood, no matter how she loathed it, for being able to conceive the second child, Jimin and her must lay in bed together everyday, repeating that horrible experience.

Y/N scrubbed her skin until it was red; hoping it would clean the disgusting feeling she felt inside. She told herself, she would cry only this time. This would be the last time she cried. From now on, she would stay strong. No matter what problem she encountered, for Joon Min, she needed to stay strong and go through it.

She then let out a long, loud cries to express her sorrow.

Y/N thought Jimin already left and because she used to be alone in the room, she didn't lock the bathroom door. Jimin came over because he heard a wailing sound from the bathroom.

He opened the bathroom door, he caught a sight of a woman crying while rubbing at her skin intensely.

"Do you wish to scrub your skin until it's gone?"

Y/N's whole body became rigid when she heard Jimin's voice. She unwittingly took a few steps backwards as she was terrified of him.

He walked towards her, his eyes raking over her body. Y/N felt very exposed and wanted to be left alone.

Due to the intense scrubbing, the bathroom floor was slippery. Y/N slipped and before she could react, it was too late. She fell down to the ground.

Her body was already aching and now she fell down to the ground. The pain made it even harder for her to move.

Jimin pursed his lips and got inside, he carried her up. She glared at him.

Jimin's eyes were cold: "What? You don't want me to carry you? But you don't have any choice, just like how I didn't have any choice but to touch you."

Y/N tried to endure the pain with all the strengths she had left within her: "Regarding that, I don't really have a choice. But if there was a choice, I don't want to be with you."

Jimin lowered his head to look at her. He carried her out of the bathroom and put her on the bed: "Then it's good, let's het this over with."


A/N: I am sorry if you find this chapter disturbing/uncomfortable. Please note that it supposed to be done to help Park Joon Min. Both parties are unwilling, Jimin is disgusted by Y/N and in Y/N's perspective, he is just a stranger. Please try to see it as a whole before jumping into conclusion.

Thank you.

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