Chapter 18

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Y/N held her collar tightly "Jimin..."

But Jimin moved her hand away. "Don't move, which part of your body that I haven't see?" His bluntness made Y/N blushed but she didn't have way to stop him. So she just looked at him helplessly.

Jimin let her to lean over the marble sink, he opened the ointment then used a cotton bud and applied it on her back. It seemed like he was intentionally doing it slowly. The atmosphere was felt unbearable but she also didn't dare to turn her head to look at him and she didn't even dare look at the mirror. "Are you done?"

"No." Jimin fixed her strayed hair. She shivered when his hand was touching her neck. Y/N pursed her lips. "Then be quick."

Jimin stopped for a moment and laughed. "Y/N, what are you so nervous about?"

"I don't."

"You don't?" Jimin was clearly didn't believe it.

Y/N felt the atmosphere around them was too suffocating for her. She took opportunity when he stopped to take her shirt and put it on. Without looking at him, she just hurriedly said "Thank you."

When she about to exit the bathroom, her hand was held back by Jimin. His dark eyes fixed on her face, he clutched her delicate chin softly and with his half-narrowed eyes, he said "Y/N, why is your face look so red?"

Then he used his other hand to caressing her cheek. He leaned even closer until she could feel his breath on her face.

She was surrounded by a strong male scent. "The...the weather is too hot." Y/N cursed inside when she realized she was stammering. Beside the weather is too hot? Y/N cursed at herself.

"The weather is hot?" Jimin felt like it was the most ridiculous thing ever. It brightened his eyes and put a smirk on his beautiful face. He reminded her "But it is winter now, I believe the temperature is below zero in the outside."

This man was unreasonable and hard to deal with!

Y/N felt a little dizzy and suffocated by the atmosphere and his scent. "I mean the heater."

"The heater is not likely to make your face feel hot and red like this." Jimin kept on caressing her cheek and it made her face as red as a tomato.

Y/N turned her head; unable to face him anymore, she realized that she could never win the argument against this man. "Jimin, I..." but at this very moment, her last few words was swallowed by Jimin's mouth.

She caught of a sight of them kissing on the mirror. They were kissing passionately until she regained her senses and put her hands on his chest to push him off. "Stop."

Jimin clutched her lower jaw then lowered his lips near her lips and said "We already waste one night yesterday." Y/N slightly blushed; he was talking about she was in the hospital yesterday and they didn't do it.

But since when did he start caring about Joon Min? She couldn't help but recalled what happened when he forced himself on her that night. Y/N had some lingering fears. "I'm not in a condition for doing it."

Just a slightly movement could open the wound, how could she bear to do such an intense movement? She worried that her wound got worse and it would tear open the wound. Jimin kissed her earlobe lightly and replied in a very sensual voice near her ear. "There's a way, do you want to try it?"

Jimin's voice undoubtedly deep, low and sexy, and a bit hoarse. His voice was seducing Y/N.

She knew clearly that she was about to fall into a dick sand but she couldn't come out from it, she followed along and asked "What way?"

Noticing his dangerous smile she immediately realized what he meant with "way".

Y/N's face was hot just like a cooked prawn.

"Don't." She was still afraid. But Jimin chuckled to her ear and with his hoarse voice he replied "It's too late." It was the most sensitive part of Y/N and Jimin was undoubtedly was an expert in this area and know exactly her sensitive areas, she immediately felt her whole body was surrendered into Jimin's touch. She closed her eyes.

Her breathe got more and more heavy but she bit her lips; didn't want to let out any sound to his satisfaction.

He looked at the mirror to admire her body. "Open you eyes and look at how beautiful you are."


Because of her wound, so she couldn't take a shower so Jimin could only help her to clean up with towel. Then Jimin carried her to bed.

In the morning Y/N felt a sting on her back. It was like someone was applying the ointment on her wounds, she opened her eyes but she felt too tired and unbothered so she just continued to sleep.

When Y/N woke up again, Jimin already gone. She looked at her phone to check the time and it was already 11 AM, he supposed to be go to work already.

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