Chapter 44

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Joon Min was sitting down at a point in the staircase, he used his hand to hold the handrail and looked down.

He saw and heard everything that was just happening before.

He was just woke up from his sleep and witnessed that scene.

Grandma was extremely sorry for him: "Joon Min, I..."

But Joon Min was not like his usual self that if he heard her call, he usually directly go over, but now he just stood still and slowly went back to his room.

That little figure, lonely, it made people felt heartache.

"Grandma, I'm going up first to see him."

Y/N immediately left the living room and went upstairs, she went to the Joon Min's room. The door was closed, she tried to used her hand to turn the door handle, wanted to open the room, but the door was locked.

She knocked the door for several time: "Joonie, it's Mom. Why do you lock the door? Open the door, okay? Let Mom go inside." Her voice was gentle and kind.

But there was no any movement inside.

Y/N didn't know what he was doing inside, she just felt so worried about him, so she kept on knocking the door.

This was the first time that Joon Min locked himself inside the room.

"Joonie, open the door..."

Grandma also was went upstair with Joo Hyuk's help: "What happened? Joonie doesn't want to open the door?"

Y/N shook her head: "He locks himself inside."

Joo Hyuk frowned and said: "Don't worry, we have the spare keys."

Grandma immediately instructed the maid to take the spare key for Joon Min's room and gave it to Y/N. Everyone was waiting outside and felt really worried.

Y/N used the spare keys to open the door, she looked at his little body sat down on the carpet. She didn't know what he was thinking, he lowered his head and hugging his knees. This scene was really heartbreaking.

"Grandma, let me talk with him first. You and Dad can go down first and wait okay?"

She knew Grandma and Joo Hyuk were also worried, but this moment Joon Min probably didn't want that much people to disturb him.

Grandma also knew this, so she agreed and went downstairs with Joo Hyuk.

Y/N went inside and closed the door. She took a deep breath and took steps toward him.

She knelt down in front of Joon Min and stroke his head: "Joonie, why did you lock the door? Don't you know that we are worry about you?"

She wanted to change the subject so he wouldn't think about this thing further.

Joon Min slowly raised his little face, and looked at Y/N: "Mom, the auntie from that day is not Dad's friend right?"


Joon Min's little face was full of loneliness: "About Dad never return home in the past, everybody said it was because he was too busy. So it was actually because of that auntie?"

Joon Min was just really clever, both IQ and EQ, he could easily understood a lot of matters.

He just didn't know about the existence of Seulgi in the past, but after today, after he listened to their fight, now he understood what really happened.

Y/N used her hand to wipe his eyes and sat down beside him. With her soft voice: "Joonie, you are still little. The things between adults actually not exactly like what you're thinking. You just need to remember that all of us really love and care about you, okay?"

"How about Dad? Dad also care about you?"

Joon Min's words made Y/N's heart hurt, she felt like it was difficult to breathe at this moment. She faced Joon Min's little face, she didn't know how to explain it to this little kid.

She originally wanted to answer "He cares", but she couldn't lie, but if she answered "He doesn't", he would be very disappointed.

She didn't know how to handle this matter, Joon Min said: "Dad cares about that Auntie, right?"


Joon Min stood up on the wool carpet, used his hand to hold Y/N shoulder: "Mom, I heard them all..."

Y/N wanted to hold her tears, but her eyes were getting more and more teary, so her tears fell.

"Joonie, sorry..."

She felt it was so selfish of her that she decided to gave birth to him. She didn't even give him a healthy body. She felt it was sufficient for him to receive her love, but she didn't realize that he also need a love from a father.

But Jimin didn't give him a sufficient love.

He wasn't there when Joon Min came into the world, didn't there when he was started to walk, didn't on his side when he was sick, and didn't protect him when he was wronged...

These past three years, Jimin was completely absent from all his important moments in his life.....

Joon Min used his little hand to wipe her eyes and with his red eyes too: "Mom, don't cry. We don't need Dad, I feel happy just to be with you...."

Y/N never cried in front of him, even if she received wrong treatment from others. But as a mother, she felt that she need to be strong at least in front of him.

But this time, she really couldn't control herself.

Because of Joon Min's appearance at the moment made her felt so heartbroken.

They both hugged each other. Grandma, who stood outside, also couldn't help herself but let her tears fell.

She used her hands to wipe the tears, shook her head and sighed. She didn't aware whether she said to herself to Joo Hyuk beside her: "Jimin will regret it one day...."

Y/N stoop up and with her completely gentle move, she placed Joon Min on the bed because she afraid to wake him up.

Because she cried for a long time, so her eyes were swollen, she then took her phone to the restroom.

She used the water to wash her face and dried her hand. She turned on the phone and noticed there was a missed call.

It was from Joon Min's friend's mom, Sa Rang's mom.

Because Sa Rang liked to play and liked to follow Joon Min around in the kindergarten, moreover she frequently goes to the dance studio with her mother, so they were quite close with each other.

Y/N also really like Sa Rang, she was a very cute little girl. Most importantly her personality was also really good, she was adorable and kind.

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