Chapter 26

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Jimin remained calm and checking her up and down then turned his body inside: "Help me to put it inside."

Y/N followed his step and placed it on the table: "Just continue what you're doing, I will go back to the bedroom."

However Jimin gripped her wrist and pulled her closer then he stared her beautiful face and with a low voice said: "Don't you have something to say to me?"

"I...." Y/N lowered her head, bit her lips but didn't say anything.

Jimin's finger raised to her hair near her forehead and played with her hair: "What do you want to say to me?"

She felt her heart was beating fast, it seemed it want to jump out her throat. She tried her best to settled her mood, finally raised her head to look at him on the eyes: "I took the pregnancy test....."

"Hm." He lightly replied: "Then?"

"I'm not pregnant..."

"I know."

Y/N startled, how could he know it?

"So I..." She felt so nervous. They were both an adult, moreover, they both are husband and wife, talking about this thing should be easy.

"What about it?" Jimin immediately asked her again.

Y/N clenched her hand on her thigh and looked at Jimin, suddenly she closed her eyes and it looked like she was deciding something but with strong determination, she kissed Jimin's pouty lips.

The kiss was completely unskilled because of her nervousness plus she didn't have experience, when she kissed Jimin, she bumped into his teeth.

He frowned and slightly sighed then extended his hand to hug her waist. He held her and put her on the table.

"Is this what you want to say to me?"

"I need to be pregnant." Y/N had decided with a great difficulty and she couldn't retreat, not now, moreover she was afraid if she stopped, she would lose her courage.

It was the first time she took initiative. She's willing to do anything for Joon Min.

Her delicate hands were shivered but she firmly placed it around his neck. She pulled the collar down and started to undo his button.

But she really had a difficult time doing it, probably because she was too nervous. She couldn't help herself but too frenetic.

Jimin used his hand to stopped her: "Let me."

Y/N put her hands down and she didn't look at him anymore but she knew that he probably undoing his button.

She forcefully swallowed her saliva, looking around, and just realized that they were in the study room but Jimin already took his clothes off. It showed his wonderful body. He used both of his arms to pulled her into his embrace.

Her hand gripped his arm and with a low voice said: "How about we go back to the bedroom?"

Jimin used his hand to clasp her small face, lowered his face to her lips then said: "Just right here."

In the morning, Y/N was the first one to be awake. She turned her aching body and sighed.

Yesterday was too intense, from the study room to the bedroom, it was until the 2AM that they stopped.

Jimin's hands were on her waist at the moment.

Y/N gazed around his handsome face, couldn't help but to think about his time together with Seulgi, would it be like this?

She told herself to not thinking about it, why should she thinking about their relationship anyway? But she couldn't help but felt something that made her heart appeared to be pricked by sharp needle.

She used her hands to cover her own eyes, she really didn't understand how she could have that kind of feeling.

She got off from the bed. Her movement was gentle, she moved Jimin's hand aside then left the bed. She collected her scattered clothes on the grounds and wore it.

She was very cautious of her action. Today was christmas day, it was a day off so Jimin didn't go to work, therefore so she didn't want to bother him.

But suddenly her phone was ringing, she looked at it and couldn't help to frown when she looked at the caller ID.

She took the phone, opened the balcony window and went outside to answer it.

It was a call from Jun Seo, she thought he probably called to ask about the money, so without waiting for him to say anything, she immediately said something in advance: "The money, I..."

She hadn't finished her sentence, he excitedly said: "Y/N, you really have a way. I told you, Jimin and you are husband and wife. How could he possibly refused to give you the money? Remember you need to thank Jimin for me. Ask him to go to our house to have dinner in two days, I want to personally thank him..."

Y/N frowned and responded back: "You already got the money?"

"Right, this morning it was transferred to my account, so I directly call you..."

Y/N startled then she looked at Jimin who was still sleeping from the window's glasses, she knew it couldn't be from him.

That should be Jungkook who gave it.

Didn't expect that he was that quick.

Originally she wanted to give a call to Jungkook to ask, but it was still early in the morning, she didn't want to bother him, so she decided to do it later.

Joon Min hadn't wake up yet andshe didn't want to wake him up. Then she asked nanny to look after him because she was going to Song's house and didn't want to take Joon Min there, then she drove her car to go outside.

She went back to Song House, to asked Jun Seo to not use the money just yet, because it was Jungkook's money and Jeon company needed it.

But Jun Seo, this man, of course he didn't want to give the money back so at the end this father and daughter once again parted on bad terms.

When Y/N was getting out from Song Family's house, Shin Ji chased after her then stood in front her and pulled her hand: "Y/N, don't blame your father. He really needs this money, if he didn't use the money, Song family will be in trouble, especially him. I don't want to see him to be in trouble, just let it be our debt to Jimin..."

"Ma, it is not Jimin's..."

"Then who is it?" Shin Ji was somewhat surprised, this was not a small amount, who will be this kind to give money.

"It is Jungkook's."

"So it was Jungkook, then..." Shin Ji paused and continued: "But there's no other way now..."

Y/N didn't want to continue chat with her: "You just go back, I will go home now."

"Y/N, don't blame me, your father is really important to me."

With that Y/N got in her car and left.

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