Chapter 53

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Y/N's face immediately paled, she pursed her lips and nodded: "I know."

They had tried every method but all of them failed. This was the last choice and it got the highest rate to be successful so Y/N didn't have any other choice.

Actually, she really thought about it a lot because seeing Jimin and Joon Min's strained relationship, and how Joon Min lives his life without his father. And now she had to give birth to another child, was it really a wise choice? Because the kid gonna experience same path as Joon Min.

She also afraid that when the kid grew up and understand these things, she would found out that they made him/her only to saved Joon Min, why would she be that selfish?

She already thought about all this, but she didn't want to think about this any deeper.

Because what could she do now? She really had no other choice.

They left the doctor's office and they walked back towards Joon Min's room, they didn't talk.

Y/N was keep thinking about these matter and didn't know whether Jimin was also thinking about that matter or not.

When they passed the corner, Jimin finally said something: "You go back first, I will look for Jin hyung."

Y/N nodded and didn't care about him.

On her way back to Joon Min's room, she could hear Joon Min's voice from outside: "You go away, I don't want to see you and don't even think about staying here! Also don't let my mom look at you...."

She also heard Neon Yun's excoriated sound: "Joonie, where is your manner? Auntie Seulgi just come to visit you, why do you send her out? Who teach you to be this impolite?

"You are like a wild kid, like mother like son indeed." Seulgi added.

Y/N raised her eyebrows and hurriedly walked toward the room.

Seulgi and Neon Yun were was standing in front of the bed. Joon Min hugged Jungkook's waist tightly, and there were porridge scattered everywhere on the ground.

Jungkook twisted his eyebrows: "Mrs Park, Joon Min just recovered and needs a calm environment. Please just leave."

Neon Yun felt provoked by his sentence, she laughed coldly and looked at Jungkook for awhile: "Who are you? Why do you care about our Park family's matter? Mr Jeon, what is your position to say something like that? Y/N's friend? Are your relationship simply a friend?"

Neon Yun's tone was too aggressive at this moment, it sounded so unpleasant to hear. It made the usual warm Jungkook turned cold: "Mrs Park, please conduct your words with dignity. How could you think you are an elder if you didn't act like one, please don't say something without thinking it throughly. Aren't you afraid to be a joke?"

Jungkook's tone was not too emotional, his voice was as calm as before, but his words were poking Neon Yun's heart. Her face turned red and it looked ugly: "What are you? What is your right to teach me?"

She raised her right hand and wanted to slap Jungkook's face. Along with clear slap sound, everyone was startled.

Because her slap was hit on Y/N face, her skin immediately turned red because of the slap.

Y/N ran towards them and pushed Jungkook away so he didn't get the slap but she didn't have a chance to avoid it herself.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Jungkook worried about her.


Joon Min used his little hand to pull Y/N's arm.

Y/N shook her head and Jungkook took his handkerchief and wipe the blood on the corner of her lips. Neon Yun's slap was too powerful that it didn't only hurt her cheeks, but it also swell her lips.

Neon Yun was fiercely provoked by Jungkook's word. She also didn't expect Y/N to help Jungkook to avoid her slap. She finally regained her calm and ridiculed: "Who would believe you two are just friends?"

Y/N swept a glance to Neon Yun, then smiled coldly to her: "I respectfully address you as Mom, but it doesn't mean you could talk something nonsense. That you could trample me as you wish. Joon Min just recovered from a surgery, do you know that he almost lost his life?"

Neon Yun also unwilling to be outdone: "What is the use of knowing?"

Y/N laughed coldly: "Then do you see Joonie as your grandson? If you do, you should know that Doctor strictly emphasized that he need to rest. You clearly know he doesn't like to see her, why should you bring her? What do you want to do?"

Y/N never wanted to be in fight with Neon Yun in front of Joon Min, because no matter how, she is his grandma. So these years, she always tolerated her words and actions.

But she unable to tolerate Neon Yun and Seulgi words that said something like this about Joon Min plus he was just recovered.

For which reason she said that Joon Min is a wild kid?

"Y/N, you....!" Neon Yun was really mad, her face turned red as if she was about to explode.

Jungkook worried she would do something to Y/N, so he stepped in the front of them and hold them together closely behind him.

But before Neon Yun able to do anything, Jimin came inside the room.

He didn't really see what happen inside, also didn't hear anything. He just noticed there was a lot of people inside the moment he went in, moreover everyone was in unpleasant expression, the atmosphere in the room was really strange.

"What happened?" He went inside and noticed Seulgi. He frowned, and said: "Why are you here?"

"Jimin, I...." Seulgi's voice sounded she was treated wrongly and helpless: "I found out that Joon Min also stays here, so I just come to see him. I knew it since a few days ago. I always wanted to visit but I didn't have any chance. So I just visit today, but I didn't expect this will happen...."

Neon Yun noticed Jimin's was looked ghastly, and said: "I was the one who took Seulgi here, she is hospitalized but her heart is still thinking about Joon Min. So she asked me to help her to make some porridge for Joonie. But do you know what he did? He didn't say anything just knocked it out, look...."

"Because she is cruel person, she bullied my Mama. I will not accept her food..." Joon Min said it loudly.

Neon Yun's expression was getting angrier: "You heard that right? Look at how Y/N teach her child. That night at the gala, she pushed Seulgi and made her lost her baby and now she also taught him to say Seulgi is the cruel one!"

Y/N looked Joon Min's condition was not really well, she worried he would remember that night's event again. She didn't wait until Neon Yun finished her words, she just pointed to the door: "Out! All of you out, now!"

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