Chapter 8

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Within Jimin's eyes, there was hatred and loathed, it looked like a knife stabbed to Y/N's heart.

Grandma was so emotional, her old hands pointed at him: "You..." then she hadn't say anything, suddenly, she fainted.

"Mom!" Grandma fainted, and shocked all of the member of Park Family. Joo Hyuk caught her, and used his hand to press down her acupuncture point, and carried her to her room, with stern voice said: "Call the doctor now!"

Joo Hyuk took Grandma up to her room, everyone was so busy and followed him up then called the doctor, after a while, the doctor came.

When the Park family private doctor was diagnosed and treated, Joo Hyuk pulled Jimin aside, with ashen face looked his son, suddenly stretched out his palm to slap him. When he about to slap, his hand was gripped by Neon Yun: "What are you doing? Is the situation not yet chaos enough?"

Joo Hyuk shook off his wife's hand, in a towering rage, he looked at Jimin: "It best for you to pray that Grandma will be okay."

In fact, there's nothing serious happened to Grandma, her health was okay. She fainted because she was angry and emotional.

Under the help of family doctor, she already gradually opened her eyes, and woke up, everyone was encircled her.

Grandma raised her head and looked at everyone, struggled to remember what happened. Y/N helped her to sit down, and placed a pillow on her back.

Grandma patted her hand, told her, "I'm okay."

Joo Hyuk came over: "Mom, you are okay, right?"

"I'm okay." Grandma replied, and looked at Y/N: "Y/N, you go first, go accompany Joon Min."

Y/N understood Grandma wanted her to go away, and wanted to talk to Jimin and his parents, she nodded her head: "Then, grandma, you need to rest well, I go first."

When she passed by Jimin, Jimin glared at her.

Y/N laughed bitterly inside her heart for a while, turned her body to leave, and closed the door.

Joon Min sat down on the bed and drew something, the little nanny was on his side, weaved a handkerchief. When Y/N pushed the door to go inside, she told little nanny: "You just go down first, let me take care of Joon Min."

"Yes, Mrs. Park"

Looking at Y/N, Joon Min slightly laughed toward her, he put up the drawing book he just put down: "Mom, look at this, this is my drawing of you, is it look alike?"

Y/N went over and took the sketch book and observed it attentively, nodded her head: "It looks alike."

Joon Min tidied up the sketch book and crayon, then his serious face looked at her: "Mom, what did great grandma talked to you guys?"

Y/N stroked her hair: "Joonie, the little child no need to care what the adults' business."

"I have grown up." Joon Min spread out his both hand: "Do you forget it? I said when I grow up and become a little man, I want to protect you."

Y/N was touched, she pulled Joon Min's little body to her embrace, and kissed his cheek: "Of course, I remember, I always wait for that day."

Joon Min clasped Y/N's face: "Mom, don't cry, I already a little man, you don't need to wait anymore."

Y/N nodded her head, and took a deep breath. When she about to say something, the door suddenly opened by the person outside.

Jimin's was standing in front of the door, and glared at her for awhile then spoke.

"Y/N, come outside to talk with me."

Joon Min felt that Jimin's face was not really right, he used his little hand to clasp her clothes tightly, didn't want her to leave.

Y/N didn't want to worry Joon Min and didn't wish him to see anything bad happened, she held her hand: "Joonie, you just draw for a while, there's something that we need to talk."

After leaving the room, Y/N looked for the little nanny to ask her to care for Park Joon Min, then she went back to her bedroom.

She knows, Jimin already inside and waited for her.

The reason why he was mad was because he thought Y/N was the one who told Grandma about test-tube baby matter. She didn't know what have they discussed inside the Grandma's room. But it probably didn't make Jimin satisfied.

Y/N heart was uneasy, she opened the bedroom door, and entered. Jimin was standing near the window, when he looked at her, he said: "Close the door."

Y/N closed the door, but she didn't come near him: "What happened today was not my fault, I really don't know how can grandma know about this."

This matter was not her doing, she could not just accept the blame.

Jimin crooked the corner of his mouth smiled in mockery: "I don't say anything, why you need to explained it in a hurry? Don't you know your action of trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous?"

"'s up to you to think that way." Y/N turned her head, anyway that matter was not her doing, and Jimin always prejudiced her, blaming her for this kind of this, was not really an odd things.

She felt the atmosphere of the room was really strange, staying here for a long time could make someone felt unable to breath, so she didn't want to stay here together with Jimin. She placed her hand on the door handle, about to pull opened the door to leave.

His hand stretched out to stopped her.

She was surprised, didn't realize when did Jimin shifted his position to her side.

"Where do you want to go?" Jimin said.

"I don't think between us there is something good to talk." His prejudice toward her was deep, and she saw him as a stranger, so their chat will not bring anything good.

Jimin held tightly to her hand on the door handle, pried opened her hand, and turned her body so her body was pressed between the door and his chest.

She even didn't dare to look at him on the eyes. She felt that man's eyes, was full of flaming rage.

"What are you doing?!"

Jimin stretched his hand and press her lower jaw to rise up her head: "Don't you plan a thousand ways, a hundred plans to let me touch you? Why? Now you still want to pretend in front of me? Don't you know it was boring to keep on acting?"

After all, he still thought that this matter was her doing.

Y/N lower jaw felt hurt, but she had no choice but to open her eyes. "Jimin, you are a bastard! Let me go!"

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