Chapter 88

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A/N: It would take us a million years to explain what happened in the last few months... So just enjoy the chapter lmao ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ

Jimin stared at his screen for a moment before turning it on. He sighed as he scrolled through the endless missed call notifications from Seulgi. Hesitating slightly, he dialed Seulgi back and waited for her to answer.

Seulgi quickly picked up his call. "Jimin! You finally picked up. I-"

"Stop calling me. I'm coming over later." Jimin replied quickly, cutting her off. Before Seulgi could reply, Jimin hung up and turned off his phone.

Y/N passed by the balcony as Jimin ended his call. The two made eye contact and Jimin smiled, but Y/N didn't come over and continued to make her way to the bedroom.

Jimin tucked his phone into his pocket and walked over to Y/N."Y/N, I will go out for a while. It's late, don't wait for me and just rest, alright?" He gave her a cheeky smile and lightly stroked her cheek.

She was really not used to him being so lovely...Lovely? Y/N coughed slightly as she was taken aback by her own thoughts. 'What am I thinking..' Y/N internally laughed.

Jimin noticed the shy expression on Y/N's face and opened his mouth to tease her. Before he could say anything, Y/N swatted his hand away from her cheek and rolled her eyes. "Park Jimin, who says that I'd be waiting for you?" She gave him a mock annoyed look and turned on her heels, making her way back to the bedroom.

Jimin smiled as he watched Y/N hurry away from him, her ears slightly red from embarrassment.

"Cute." he thought to himself.

Jimin grabbed his keys and made his way down to the garage, then drove over to Seulgi's.

After taking a shower, Y/N noticed the maid was tidying up her and Jimin's suitcases from the trip. She picked up a book from her bedside table and sat down on the bed, when suddenly she heard the maid call for her.

The maid pointed at a pile of small items. "Miss, these... where should I put it?"

Y/N froze as she turned her attention towards the pile. The so-called prize from their little rendezvous in Jeju: a pile of racy underwear, although the condoms were nowhere in sight. Jimin had probably thrown them away, but Y/N didn't expect him to keep the embarrassing underwear.

Y/N felt that her face was a bit warm, and she lightly swore under her breath. "I can't believe Jimin brought that home.. Now the maid has seen it." she thought to herself. Y/N coughed awkwardly and smiled at the maid, quickly gathering the underwear and hiding it behind her back. "I'll tidy up the luggage instead! You can leave first.""Okay." The maid rose up and bowed awkwardly, before quickly exiting the room.

Y/N let out a deep sigh as the door closed, turning her attention to the bundle of risqué items in her hands. She contemplated throwing it away, but ultimately decided to throw it into the bottom of the wardrobe.

"It belongs to Jimin... I probably shouldn't throw away his belongings without telling him."

She finished tidying up the luggages before flopping only to the bed, groaning as she melted into the soft sheets. Pulling the blanket up over her, she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Y/N couldn't help but feel that something was missing..

What was it that she missed?


A range of delicious looking dishes were displayed on the table. Hearing that Jimin would come over, Seulgi called on some people to quickly make all his favourite food, but they were all cold now.

Seulgi stared impatiently at her phone; she had already called him multiple times but he hadn't picked up. She noticed that it was getting rather late, and wondered if he was actually going to show up at all.

"These dishes are already cold..." she told herself and called the maid.

"You go and reheat these dishes. Mr Park will come soon."

"Okay." The maid brought the dishes to the kitchen.

When she heard the sound of a car pulling up, she immediately raised up from the chair to open the door.

It was indeed Jimin outside.

"Jimin, you're finally here. What took you so long?" Seulgi's beautiful face lit up as she smiled widely and wrapped her arms around him. She let go and grabbed his hand before pulling him into the dining room. "Bring out the dishes, Mr Park is here."

Looking at the newly prepared dishes, it was indeed all his favourite food but Jimin didn't know how to respond as he had already eaten earlier.

"I've already eaten my dinner."

Seulgi looked a little hurt, but she nodded and continued to smile stiffly.

The maid already left discreetly so it was only the two of them sitting opposite from each other at the dining table.

Seulgi eyed Jimin nervously. "Jimin, you're not mad because of last time right? I didn't do it on purpose, you know me. My heart was hurting and I wasn't thinking straight...I.."

"Jimin...." Seulgi pleaded, "I don't want to go back, I want to stay where you are, wherever you are, I want to..."

"Y/N is pregnant."

Seulgi instantly froze, unable to fully comprehend what Jimin just said. She shook her head. 'I must be hearing wrong right?... What did he just say?'

Y/N is pregnant?

"So that makes you want to drive me away even more?" Seulgi pointed at herself, her eyes were red with anger "Because you're afraid that I will hurt her, right?"

Jimin pursed his lips, but didn't say anything.

Yes, that was true. He didn't want Seulgi to hurt Y/N anymore, that was the reason he came to her place in the first place.

Seulgi stood up angrily, the chair falling onto the ground with a loud bang."Park Jimin, I've been with you for five years. These five years I've sacrificed everything for you. My time, my life and even my career; but now you want to drive me away?"

"Because of what? Her? What's so good about Song Y/N that makes you do this to me?" Seulgi shook her head and smiled coldly. "You're afraid that if I'm staying here, I will hurt Y/N and the child inside of her, am I right?"

Seulgi sank down onto her knees, curling up on the cold marble floor. "Jimin how could you think of me like that?" She sobbed.

Jimin couldn't find the right words to answer her. Indeed, even though she had done lots of horrible things, this was quite a harsh reality she had to deal with. He watched as the woman in front of him cried quietly. It was no short of pitiful to watch.

In her heart, Seulgi knew that by now she should just accept the truth; but the feeling of utter defeat was still too hard for her to bear. Even if this wasn't a competition, she never wanted to lose this hard.

Jimin rose from the table. "I'll have someone to book the ticket for you."

Seulgi never expected that her long effort to marry him would instantly turn into ashes.

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