Chapter 93

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A/N: Sorry for the late update!

Jimin contemplated calling Y/N for a moment, but ultimately turned back to grandma for help. "Can't you just call her and ask quickly?" He pleaded.

Of course Jimin knew that he could just call and ask, but the problem was... he and Y/N...

"What's the point of asking?" A voice teased coldly from behind Jimin. Neon Yun walked into the dining room with a tray of food, sitting down on the far end of the table. "Obviously she went to see him because she missed him."

Joon Min and Jimin frowned at Neon Yun's words. Grandma glared at the woman, slamming her chopsticks on the table in anger. "Do you only know how to talk nonsense? Why can't you ever control that disgusting mouth of yours? Or do you need me to control it?" Grandma scolded. "Watch your mouth in front of Joonie, Neon Yun."

Neon Yun froze and immediately lowered her head apologetically. She didn't dare to say anything else.

Jimin scowled; he was already in a bad mood but now he felt even worse. He put down his chopsticks and stood up from the table. "Finish your dinner okay Joonie? Mom will be back soon." Jimin ruffled the small boy's hair. "Okay dad. Make sure you call her okay?" Joon Min smiled cheekily.

"Jimin, you haven't finished your meal, where are you going?" Neon Yun asked.

"I don't have an appetite, just enjoy your dinner."

Grandma shook her head sympathetically. "Look at you... You're so worried you can't even sit still." She sighed. "This man really doesn't know how to be honest with his feelings... Isn't that right Joonie." Grandma laughed.

"Dad is stubborn." Joon Min agreed.

Jimin went upstairs and directly went to his study room to work. He threw his papers back onto the desk frustratedly and leaned back on his chair. He couldn't seem to focus on anything right now. Jimin glanced at the clock; it was starting to get rather late.

Y/N still hadn't come back....

Jimin looked out the window; the snow storm had picked up considerably and it was quite windy. What is Y/N doing, and is she outside in this weather right now?

Furthermore, why did she go looking for Jungkook today?

Jimin tapped his fingers on the table nervously, thinking about what to do. Eventually he grabbed his phone and looked for Y/N's contact.

This subscriber is currently not reachable. Please record your message aft-

Jimin ended the call and called again, but it went to voicemail each time.

He was starting to get frustrated, where was Y/N and why wasn't she answering? He dialed another number and waited for them to answer.

"Yes Jimin? Do you need something?" The deep voice on the other end answered.

"Taehyung, I need a favour from you."

"What is it?"

"Can you help me find Jeon Jungkook's phone number?"

".... I'm better off not asking why. Sure just give me a moment."

Jimin paced around the room impatiently as Taehyung searched the database for Jungkook's personal number.

"It's 028XX-XXXX. Is that all you need?"

"Yes, thank you." Jimin jotted the number down on a random paper and hung up.

He dialed the number into the keypad and called, waiting for Jungkook to pick up.

This subscriber is currently not reachable. Please-

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