Chapter 45

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She remembered clearly the conversation between them. One time Sa Rang and Joon Min sat down on the floor side by side, she moved her face closer to Joon Min's face, her face was full of admiration: "I am Sa Rang. You are Park Joon Min. Look, we are wearing the same socks, isn't it coincidental? So it meant we are destined to be together."

Y/N was on the doorway that time and she felt amused because of it.

Joon Min was always looked cold toward Sa Rang, although he showed his poker face face toward her, but Y/N able to figured out that he actually quite liked her.

Y/N then answered the phone.


"Y/N, it's been a long time since the last time we meet. How about we go eat together tonight?" Jisoo said, her tone was somewhat helpless:"Sa Rang, aishh this little girl said if she didn't see Joonie tonight, she would get some kind of love sickness."

Y/N snorted, she imagined that cute girl, Sa Rang in her mind. She was so cute, she probably was laying down on the sofa while swaying her little feet and complaining to her mom: "Mom, I miss Joonie too much."

"Okay, I will take Joonie out later."

When he was in the hospital, both Sa Rang and Jisoo frequently visited him. Now that Joon Min was out of the hospital and already back home, they felt a little bit uncomfortable to visit.

Y/N thought Joon Min's mood was not really good for these past few days, she hoped by meeting Sa Rang, that amusing little girl, his mood could change.

They made appointment about the location and time, then Y/N hung up the phone. She looked at the time, it was 3 PM, they would meet on 6 PM. They still had time, so no need to wake Joon Min up and just let him sleep for a little bit.

Her mood also not really in a good state, her face was lifeless, her eyes were swollen. Going out like this, people would thought that she just saw a ghost.

Y/N went downstairs to look for two bag of ice and compress her eyes. She closed her eyes and put on her eyes.

Joon Min woke up at 4 PM, Y/N told him about the plan of having dinner together with Sa Rang and Jisoo, he pouted his little lips: "I just don't want to meet Sa Rang."

She used her hands to pinch his little nose lightly: "But she said if she didn't meet you today, she would get love sickness. So let's go to eat together okay? Moreover, didn't you like Auntie Jisoo?"

Joon Min's face full of embarrassment: "Okay, then I will go for Auntie Jisoo."

Y/N controlled her laughter, she went to the wardrobe to look for his clothes.

She already felt his mood was getting better, he was not in that bad mood anymore, this was because the help of Sa Rang.

They both got ready then went to Grandma's room.

Grandma actually really approved Y/N take Joon Min to go out and stroll around, although he was sick, but he also couldn't continuously be in deep melancholy and stayed at home, it was good to go out and move his body for awhile sometimes, maybe it would benefit his body.

Y/N drove her car, then he suddenly said something: "Mom, can we stop there for awhile?"

Y/N stopped the car, she was suspicious, but when she looked it was a bakery, she suddenly laughed.

Joon Min was shyly moved out his face to avoid her laugh, that handsome little face turned a bit awkward and said: "Let's buy a slice of cake before we go."

Y/N carried him out of the car: "I know. Tiramisu, right? That is Sa Rang's favorite cake right?"

Joon Min still reluctantly to admit it: "Who wants to buy it for her? I just want to buy it for myself."

"But Mom remember that you are not a fan of sweet things...Could it be that I'm wrong?"

Joon Min: "....."

Y/N noticed Joon Min's face started to flush, but she didn't laugh at him anymore. She carried him into the bakery, they were more relax than before, so her mood also gradually better.

The moment they entered, Joon Min directly went inside and stood in front of the display window of the bakery to choose the cake, even though he knew Sa Rang's favorite is Tiramisu, but he still wanted to know whether there was any new product, because Sa Rang just really loved all the sweets.

Joon Min used to made fun of her, he said if she eat that much, she would become a ball. For this reason Sa Rang didn't willing to eat anything, until Jisoo called Y/N for help. Now Joon Min always said that her appearance was really good...."

Joon Min picked and chose two slice of cake, one is tiramisu and another one strawberry cheesecake. She took out her wallet to pay...

The entrance door of the bakery was opened, that moment suddenly a strong and familiar figure appeared, she raised her head to see.

Indeed she saw it was Park Jimin.

Park Jimin and Park Joon Min were really similar, they both didn't fond of sweet things. But now for him to appear here, Y/N of course wouldn't believe he was buying a cake for himself, supposedly it was for Seulgi....

Jimin also noticed them both, his handsome face showed a strange expression.

Joon Min just stood beside Y/N's feet, this moment he dragged her hand. He didn't say anything when he saw Jimin.

He didn't forget what just happened this afternoon.

Y/N got calmer, she paid for the cake and took it. She carried Joon Min to leave, but when she about to pass Jimin, she said: "Joon Min, say hi to Dad."

No matter what happened between her and Jimin, but Jimin is Joon Min's father. They are related by blood, so she didn't want to let them to be in bad relationship.

At first Joon Min didn't want to call him, but when he saw Y/N's serious gaze, he called him with his low volume voice: "Dad."

Jimin used his hand to stroke his head and opened his mouth to say something. However, Y/N didn't give any chance for him, she turned her body, take Joon Min and left the bakery.

They both said nothing about their random meeting with Jimin.

After they arrived at the restaurant, Sa Rang and Jisoo already waited in the room for them.

Sa Rang wore a pink princess skirt. It had been a long time from their last meeting, it looked like Sa Rang was a bit thinner. As soon as she saw Joon Min, she slid from her seat and stick closely to him.

"Joonie, Joonie, finally you are here. I've waiting for you for a long time."

Joon Min used his hand to block her excessively enthusiastic little body: "You are a girl, I'm a boy. Don't lean to close."

Sa Rang's face showed a disappointment, she really missed Joon Min to death, because it was been a while since the last time she saw him but Joon Min looked that he didn't even slightly missing her.

During her disappointment, suddenly she noticed a two small box in the table, that clearly were her favorite cakes. She opened her gleaming eyes, reach her hand to take it: "Joonie, are these cake from you?"

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