Chapter 30

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The phone finally turned on, she saw a lot of missed calls in it, it was from Jungkook, Shin Ji, and Krystal.

She called them back a call one by one and the last one was Jungkook.

"Today, I gave you a lot of call, but it continuously turned off. Is there any problem?"

"I'm sorry. My phone was ran out of battery. Kookie, is there a problem?"

"There's nothing, I was just want to asked you and Joon Min to have a birthday dinner together."

Since early age, Y/N's birthday was always been forgotten by others, Shin Ji's whole heart and thought was devoted to Jun Seo, she never really remember her daughter's birthday and for Jun Seo probably didn't remember when her birthday is up until now.

In her early age, Jungkook was living at his grandma's house for a period of time. His grandma's house was next to Y/N's house. Their houses were so close and just surrounded by fence. There was one time when Jungkook accidentally kicked his ball to Y/N backyard. He climbed the fence to pick the ball and noticed the little girl inside the house.

That was his first time to meet Y/N.

Y/N was cautiously pulled on Shin Ji clothes, pleaded her: "Ma, today is my birthday, can you give me a slice of cake?"

That time Shin Ji looked impatient and pointed to the music sheet on the table: "Yes, if you can play this song, I will buy a cake." Jungkook has been hearing the sound of piano the whole day.

But obviously, Y/N was not able to master it.

Then Jungkook went to the bakery and bought her a small yet beautiful cake then went back. Again, he climbed the fence then heard of piano sound again. He saw how Y/N was seriously practicing and without intention of stopping from the window.

He knocked on the window, Y/N suspiciously opened the door, then he passes the cake to her: "Happy birthday."

After that day, every year, Jungkook worried if Y/N was feeling lonely on her birthday, so every year he would accompany her and bought her cake.

So obviously he was looking for her all day, but was helpless because her phone was off.

Finding out that Jungkook was looking for her for a whole day, Y/N felt very sorry: "Kookie...Sorry, today...."

She couldn't even finish her words because her phone was snatched.

She turned her body and looked at it was Jimin stood behind her. He took her phone then hung up the phone and threw it on the table.

Y/N was very irritated by his action, she frowned and reached for her phone to call Jungkook because she hadn't even finish explaining.

But Jimin pulled her hand to stopped her and with his dark eyes he looked at her: "I've told you for so many times to make some distance with Jungkook. Are you thinking my word as wind past your ear?"

Y/N was so mad, she fisted her hand and hit his chest: "But it doesn't mean I want to cut off my ties with him. For the millionth time, he and I are friends!"

"Is it?" Jimin raised his eyebrow, clearly not believing it.

Y/N glared at him: "What is your right to hang up my phone?"

"I'm your husband, is this not enough validity?"

"Husband?" Y/N laughed ironically: "What kind of husband you are? What kind of couple we are? Moreover, we are almost divorce..."

Her voice gradually lower, there seemed like a grief in her face.

Jimin really dislike to look her like that, he didn't aware that he already clutched her face, lowered his hand and kissed her forehead, eyebrows, tip of nose. He kept on moving lower, then stopped at her red lips, then kissed her deeply.

Y/N's breath gradually unsteady and wanted to push Jimin but both of her hands were held by Jimin.

She felt like just being teased by this man, she would easily went in to the trap that he arranged, and couldn't free herself.

When they both gradually got lost in each other, the phone that was thrown by Jimin once again vibrated.

In a flash, Y/N regained her consciousness and pushed Jimin. She got off the bed, took her phone and standing on the carpet. She looked at the ID and it was Jungkook.

Y/N hurriedly answered it: "Kookie, sorry. Something was wrong with the phone."

"It's okay." Jungkook slightly smiled: "Y/N, I will go abroad for a period of time. My flight is tomorrow night. Let us have a lunch and bring Joon Min too. It's been awhile since the last time I saw him..."


Y/N clenched her phone. Her hair was messy, her clothes was wrinkled and a few buttons of her shirt were undo because of their kiss before.

Her lips were swollen because of Jimin's fiercely kissing it, it looked like a delicate fresh cherry.

She was seriously occupied on her call and didn't realized that.

With a few buttons of her clothes undone, it exposed her most delicate collarbone. Jimin took out a sapphire blue color case from the pocket of his coat. He opened it and look at the necklace that he bought before.

He took the necklace, then moved forward Y/N. He didn't hang up her phone this time, he just opened the clasp of the necklace and his hand encircled her neck to help her put on the necklace, then moved out her hair.

Y/N felt something cold on her skin. She lowered her head to see, she was surprised.

It turned out Jimin was putting a beautiful necklace on her neck.

She used her finger to touch the pendant, it was a butterfly. She also realized the engraving on the back. She turned it.

In a short while, she could understand the meaning of it.

What did Jimin intention? Why he engraved his initial on the pendant?

She was immersed in her thought, that she didn't hear of Jungkook's words anymore. Jimin still used his hand to clutch her shoulder, lowered his head. His lips sticked closed her ear, then he said: "Do you like it?"

This time Y/N was felt indescribable feeling. She liked it, but also puzzled and felt uneasy.

"Y/N, what happened?" She was silent for a long time, so Jungkook asked.

Y/N regained her awareness: "Nothing, what did you say to me before?"

Jungkook's voice was somewhat helpless: "I asked you, how is your father's problem?"

"It's.... it's done....."

Y/N was trembling, her voice was somewhat unsteady, because Jimin suddenly opened his mouth and bit her earlobe.

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