Chapter 61

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Feeling Neon Yun's hand grabbing her arm, Seulgi snapped out of it, looking up at her. "Auntie, you're here.." Seulgi smiled at her sadly.

"Why did you throw your phone?" Neon Yun questioned, concerned.

"It's nothing."

Neon Yun could guess that it had to do with Jimin. "Jimin probably had something come up in work, that's why he's late." she comforted Seulgi. "Don't get angry alright? You only just recovered from your miscarriage, the stress won't be good for your health."

"Auntie, nothing happened to Jimin, he just forgot...." Seulgi knew that Neon Yun loved her dearly, so sometimes in front of her, she had no worries. She knew she was on her side no matter what. Neon Yun would never side with Y/N..

Neon Yun felt a bit shocked by Seulgi's reply, and she looked at her pitifully. Pulling Seulgi to the bedside gently, she beckoned for her to sit down next to her. "Seulgi, you need to understand the situation you're in right now... No matter what, you can't make Jimin angry alright?" Neon Yun squeezed her hand, sighing. "Do you know that last night Jimin went home to sleep?"

Seulgi looked up at Neon Yun questioningly, her eyes wide with surprise. "These days, doesn't he always sleep at the office or hospital? How come he suddenly went back?"

Seulgi knew that Y/N and Jimin are not on good terms. Even if they were in the same room and meeting each other because of Joon Min, they wouldn't speak to each other either. Knowing this, why would Jimin return home all of the sudden?

"Yesterday, Jimin was drunk. Y/N picked him up and brought him home. As for what happened after that, I think I don't need to explain it, you should know right? Even though Jimin didn't want it, Joon Min is his son. Men have low resistance to seduction after all..." Neon Yun started.

Neon Yun didn't need to explain anymore. Seulgi knew what she meant. Even if they didn't like each other, if they spent all this time together, they are bound to feel something eventually. 

Familiarity breeds fondness, after all.

Seulgi's face immediately paled like a ghost.

Neon Yun placed her hand on Seulgi's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm telling you this because I hope you can understand that you need to hold on to Jimin tightly. Don't get into a fight with him by questioning him and telling him what to do because he doesn't like it. You are a smart woman. I know you understand what I mean. It depends on whether or not you can capture his heart, okay?"

Seulgi nodded, biting her lip. She felt angry, but there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't express it in front of Jimin or he would leave her. "I understand."

Seulgi wasn't completely stupid. She knew that Jimin had become more distant recently. Bit by bit, he was already slipping through her fingers, leaving her slowly. She needed to be careful not to let him go, and grab him tighter. If not, his heart will soon belong to someone else.

Seulgi knew in her heart that she was sure that she would not let this man leave her side.

Jimin belongs to me, I will not let some woman take him away from me.' She thought.

A little while later, Jimin finally arrived at the hospital. Wanting to give the two some time alone, Neon Yun quickly excused herself and slipped out of the room, giving Seulgi a quick glance as if to remind her of what she said.

Jimin picked up Seulgi's suitcase, turning to her. "Let's go."

Seulgi nodded, grabbing Jimin's arm and following him out the door..

Jimin lowered his head to look at the woman wrapped around his arm. He couldn't help but frown, but he didn't say anything about it.

The moment they arrived at the parking lot, they saw two slender, tall figures walking towards them from the opposite direction.

It was Y/N and Krystal, who had just exited their car. They chatted joyfully, laughing. Suddenly, Y/N heard Krystal groan, staring ahead with a disgusted expression on her face. "Shameless, they even dare to appear in public!" She spat loudly, enough for Jimin and Seulgi to hear.

Y/N also looked ahead, seeing the two figures in front of her. The four of them walked by each other, not saying another word and avoiding eye contact.

"A cheating couple." Krystal lowered her head to curse.

In contrast to Krystal's emotional response, Y/N was completely calm. Because this morning she heard their conversation on the phone, she knew Seulgi was being discharged, and that she had asked Jimin to pick her up.

Krystal looked at Y/N's blank expression, annoyed. "Why are you so calm?"

Y/N smiled slightly, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

"That is your husband!" Krystal tried to reason.

"He openly being together with another woman, right in front of you!!"

Y/N turned away, ignoring her. They walked into the elevator, and Y/N chuckled mockingly. "Husband?"

Krystal looked at her and frowned. "You really plan to get divorced and let him run away to that whore?"

They arrived at their floor, and Y/N got off the elevator first. "I'm just giving back everyone's freedom."

They didn't have any feelings towards each other, so why should they keep being tied up together? It wouldn't be of benefit to anyone, and it would affect the kids. It would be better to separate, and everyone will be happy. Perhaps Joon Min may not understand in the start, but she knew he would accept her choice eventually..

Krystal grumbled, not liking how little Y/N cared. "It's not normal to see you care so little."

Any woman would be unable to control herself if she saw her husband and another woman being intimate together. But not only did Y/N not say anything about it, she didn't show any emotion either. She wasn't sure if it was because she really didn't care, or she just forced herself not to care.

Although Jimin didn't turn his head to look at the two, he shook Seulgi off his arm, saying nothing. He took out his car key, opening the trunk and putting her suitcase inside.

Seulgi looked at Jimin with a shocked expression, feeling hurt. Jimin went into the car, not even turning to look at her once.

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her palms. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Seulgi remembered what Neon Yun said to her, and she knew she needed to be patient with Jimin. Entering the car, she smiled sweetly at Jimin as if nothing had happened. "Jimin, where are we going? I'm hungry, let's eat something okay?"

Jimin raised his hand to look at his wrist watch, nodding "Okay, let's eat something, what do you want to eat?"

Seulgi smiled slightly. "Do you remember our favorite restaurant in the past? We used to go there frequently to eat, I don't know whether it is still open or not. If not then where should we eat?"

Jimin thought back, but he didn't know what restaurant she was talking about. Placing his hands on the steering wheel, he spoke without looking towards Seulgi. "Just tell me the address."

Seulgi's eyes went dark. Telling Jimin the address, she then turned away and bit her lip fiercely, tearing up a bit. .

Indeed, he had never put her in his heart. He was always like this.

They arrived at the restaurant, and ate their dinner. During the meal, the atmosphere between the two wasn't the greatest. It was only Seulgi who kept on talking, but from the start to the end, Jimin didn't say a word.



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