Chapter 66

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Taehyung turned around to exit the room again, but ended up being stopped by Jimin.

"Wait a minute." Jimin called him, pointing at the magazine Taehyung had in his hands. "Call the editor of magazine and ask him about the source of this article."

Because Y/N had always been a low-key person, before the Park company's annual gala no magazine ever really published her photo. She became a topic of conversation among people after their marriage; they all believed that she used tricks to get into Park family, but no one ever discussed her relationship with Jungkook in the last four years.

Jimin noticed something fishy about this matter.

"Okay, Mr Park." Taehyung nodded before leaving the meeting room to investigate.

Jimin returned to the office; he wanted to sort out the pile of documents that he had left on his table before he went to the meeting. He picked up the papers and scanned the material, but he was unable to concentrate.

Flipping through the files, the image of the magazine article kept appearing in his mind. Jimin still felt uneasy over the timing of the article. It just didn't seem right.

As if someone had read his mind, Taehyung knocked on the door of the office and walked to Jimin's table. "Mr Park, the editor of the magazine just said he got a package last night, there were photos and source materials inside it...."

"Package?" Jimin raised his eyebrow intriguingly at Taehyung, tapping the table with his fingers. Taehyung observed Jimin's expression; he looked like he was deep in thought. Not sure what Jimin was going to do, he just stayed silent and waited for him to give orders. Jimin hummed to himself slightly, rubbing his chin. Standing up suddenly, he grabbed his coat and turned to Taehyung. "Tell the publisher that if they don't immediately stop production of the issue and make amendments for the news, it will be the end for them."

"Okay, Mr Park." Taehyung replied as Jimin walked passed him, leaving his office quickly.

Taehyung watched Jimin's back as he disappeared down the corridor. Most people thought that Seulgi was Jimin's most beloved woman, but to Taehyung it never seemed that way.


"Mom, look at this, I didn't lie to you, right? I told you that the relationship between Y/N and Jeon Jungkook was not that simple. But you still don't believe me. The fact that it's already been published with this much evidence, how can you still don't believe it?" Neon Yun argued with Grandma, showing her the magazine article regarding Y/N and Jungkook's relationship.

Grandma scoffed and pushed Neon Yun's hand away. "Are you seriously believing in such nonsense? I didn't know you could be so stupid Neon."

Neon Yun huffed. "But look, this photo is authentic. Can't you see how intimate they are with each other?" She retaliated, pointing to the recent photo of Jungkook and Y/N in the airport. The photo was specifically taken at the point where Jungkook had been stroking Y/N's head.

They could even capture that moment so clearly and precisely out of all the other possible photos they could have published. To people that knew Y/N, It was almost too obvious the photographer had motive to slander her.

Grandma shook her head. "I already knew that Y/N and Joon Min were in the airport to send him off."

Neon Yun scowled. When she saw the article this morning, she thought it would be a really good opportunity to finally turn grandma against Y/N. Grandma was Y/N's main supporter in the Park family, and the reason why she hadn't been able to get rid of her all these years. What she didn't expect was that this old woman was still defending her despite seeing all the evidence. "Do you really want to keep protecting Y/N, even now? I know you are really fond of her but how could you not believe that she isn't who you think she is when the photos are right here?" She slapped the magazine in frustration. "Think about our family name mom! It hasn't been long since her incident during the annual gala, our family reputation will be ruined by this woman..."

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