Chapter 36

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Y/N kissed his little face: "There will be no problem, Joonie, don't be afraid."

She used her hand lightly to pat his shoulder then she prepared to leave, suddenly there was a person appeared from the group of people. Then there was a sharp and clear slap voice and everyone turned silent. Didn't expect that person to be Neon Yun.

Y/N felt a scorching pain on her face, but Neon Yun slapped her once again and was about to slap her even more, but she was pulled by Park Joo Hyuk.

"What are you doing!"

But she was still full of anger that she said: "Y/N, if something happen to Seulgi, I will not let you go!"

People already judging Y/N by what happened to Seulgi, and because of Neon Yun's sudden attack, people couldn't help but thought Y/N as a joke, it was outrageous, perhaps would happen only in the movie.

Jimin already left, leaving Park Joo Hyuk to deal with the aftermath.

This so-called yearly party couldn't get even messier, so the guests also slowly left.

Joon Min's eyes were red, he used his hand to clasp Y/N's cheeks that was slapped by Neon Yun, and said: "Mom, let me help you to blow it, are you hurt?"

He said it and he slowly slightly blow Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N felt her eyes became and more and more warm but she tried hard to control it, she calmed her breath and shook her head: "It's okay, mom doesn't hurt, let's go home."

They met Joo Hyuk at the time she carried Joon Min to leave. Neon Yun already was not by his side, didn't know whether she left to the hospital or not.

Joo Hyuk moved toward her and used his hand to stroke Joon Min's hair, then said to Y/N: "Don't think about this too much, just take Joonie home first to get some rest."

"Okay Dad."

Because she and Joon Min came there with Jimin and he already left to took Seulgi to hospital so they took the taxi to went home..

During the way home, Joon Min tightly snuggled closed to her, it was obvious that he was still traumatized.

When they arrived home, Grandma Park was furious, even though she didn't attend the annual party but it didn't mean that she didn't have any spy there. So she already knew whatever happened there: "I just know that once that singer is back, there will be something bad happen! Now the gala has become everyone's joke!"

Everyone in the room just stood there and kept silent, they didn't dare enough to talk because of Grandma's rage.

Grandma became slightly calmed down when she looked at Y/N and Joon Min arrived home. She always fond of Joon Min, so she didn't want to get angry in front of him, so she hurriedly waved at Joon Min: "Joonie, come here to great grandma."

Joon Min went over, she immediately hugged him: "My good boy, did you shock because of that?"

Joon Min hugged her shoulder: "Great grandma, I saw that auntie bullied my mom, but I didn't push her, she fell down by herself...."

"Great grandma knows, knows. Our Joonie is a good kid, how is it possible that he will do something like that?" Grandma busily comforted him, and used her pale old hand to stroke his head: "Joonie, don't be afraid. Grandma know it was unrelated to you, you didn't do anything wrong, okay?"

Joon Min nodded with his red eyes on display.

Grandma passed him over to Y/N and said: "Y/N, you bring Joonie up to get some rest. Don't think too much of this accident."

This moment, Y/N actually really touched, because that kind of circumstances when there was no one around them to witness what was and why was that happening, all people just only caught a sight of Seulgi fell down from the stairs and they both was stood on top. So everyone automatically pointed the blame to her.

There was someone told Grandma about the condition in the party, but also didn't know for sure how it was happening. Grandma believed in Y/N.

She just really believe in her.

Y/N took Joon Min upstairs and spent a long time to held him until he slowly fell asleep.

Everything that happened was very hard for Joon Min, he was only a little kid. Y/N couldn't help but felt heart broken for him.

After Joon Min fell asleep, Y/N didn't immediately left the room, she sat down on the bedside to look at him. Her mind wandered around what was happening today, it was really chaotic and she felt really tired. So she accidentally fell asleep beside him until a hand patted her shoulder, the she was awake again.

Grandma stood beside her with her loving face said: "Y/N, go back to your room so you can laid down properly."

Y/N nodded and turn off the light. She followed Grandma to left Joon Min's room and went to her room.

When she was in the room, she looked at the clock, it was already past midnight.

She had no idea about Seulgi's condition, but no matter what, Jimin must be very distressed, so tonight he would not be back.

And Neon Yun would probably stay there.

She cared about Seulgi a lot, she wouldn't willing to leave right?

Y/N threw her phone on the bed, she kicked her shoes and started to open the zipper of her dress. At first she told herself not to think about whatever happened today but she couldn't help but think about Seulgi.

Seulgi probably.... was pregnant....and it's Jimin's kid.

She suddenly felt the air surround her was somewhat rarefied, almost unable to breath.

Suddenly the door was opened by someone.

She panically used her dress to cover herself because she only wear her underwear beneath it and looked toward the door.

Unexpectedly was Jimin.

He still wore that suit from the annual gala, because he gave his suit to cover Seulgi, so now he only wore a shirt with roll up sleeve which already full of dry up blood mark.

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