Chapter 12

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Y/N bit her lips because she was nervous; she knew whatever comes next from his mouth wouldn't be good. She nodded her head.

Jimin's smirked at Y/N. "Then beg me."

Y/N knew that she was helpless, so "I beg you, I beg you to come with me, okay?"

Jimin slightly laughed: "Y/N, it doesn't look like someone who beg."

Y/N knew that Jimin wouldn't make it easy for her. "What do you want?"

Jimin pointed to the floor and looked at her nonchalantly and said "You should kneel on the floor."

Y/N's chest was full of anger, she gripped her hands tightly but then she took a deep breath. "Park Jimin, you push people too hard!"

She finally understood that this man was really have no intention to go with her. His demands to make her beg on her knees was just his game to make fun of her even more, so why would she waste more time for it. She knew that he wouldn't go even if she was begging on her knees.

Y/N took her bag and immediately leave the office room.

Her phone rang and she looked at the ID.

Jun Seo was waiting but neither of them was yet to come so he called Y/N again.

"Y/N, where are you? Don't forget to bring Jimin with you."

She took a deep breathe "I will be there soon."

On her way to Song's residence, Y/N couldn't help but thinking about how Jimin humiliated her. Y/N's heart was completely agitated, yet also painful. She didn't how her dad would react later on when he found out that Jimin wasn't come with her.

As much as she wanted to skip it but now she had to go there because Joon Min's there.

Jun Seo and her mother, Shin Ji, was sitting on the living room; waiting for the. The moment Joon Min looked at Y/N, he immediately ran toward her. "Mom, you finally come."

Jun Seo also stood from the sofa and looked toward her back. "Are you alone? Where's Jimin?"

Y/N carried Joon Min and pursed her lips: "No need to wait, he won't come."

Jun Seo's immediately changed. "What happened? Didn't I tell you to take him home? Why didn't you look for him? Or you didn't obey my words?"

They could hear a cold and mockery voice came from the upstairs. "Dad, when did she ever obey your words?"

Y/N looked up, that was her step-sister, Han Mi, she was going down. She was smiling; she smiled because she took pleasure on Y/N misfortune. Then she went to the dining room. "I knew she wouldn't bring Jimin's home. She's just a waste of time, let's just eat."

Jun Seo's face become more gloomy, he looked at Y/N. "Come with me upstairs."

Y/N didn't really want to go up with him, she knew that look, that wouldn't be a good thing. But Shin Ji carried Joon Min from her embrace and pushed her: "Why are you still here? Go upstairs, remember, listen to his word well."

She didn't say anything and just simply followed him upstairs.

She opened the study room; Jun Seo already sat down on the sofa.


"Y/N, sit down, I have something to talk to you." His face was changing when he looked at her. He even smiled.

Y/N knew whatever it was that he wanted to talk, would definitely related to Jimin.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Jun Seo looked at her: "I need your help."

Y/N just stayed quiet, because she knew he would continue. Jun Seo made Y/N marry Jimin to get benefits from it. He hated to sacrifice his eldest daughter, so he just sacrificed her. Since Y/N, in his eyes, was just a pion. Of course, he didn't care that much to use her for his own benefit.

Looking at a silent Y/N, Jun Seo rubbed his hand and said "I recently settled on big project, but the Song company's just invested in another project. Now we don't have money to take that project, the bank declined to loan some money, so..."

So this was the reason Jun Seo wanted her to bring Jimin home.

"So you want me to ask if Jimin to lend you money?"

Jun Seo immediately nodded his head. "Y/N, you will help me, right?"

"Dad, I'm really sorry but I can't help you."

This wasn't the first or even the second time he requested for money. Jun Seo didn't qualify to run a company, he always wanted a shortcut and wanted to possess a lot things and have a big profits without working hard. He wanted an instant success.

In the past, Y/N helped him and asked Grandma Park's help, but he never return the favor and now he's asking for more?

Park Family was Seoul's most wealthy family, with abundant funds, shocking financial resources, although and eventhough Grandma Park didn't really care about money, but it didn't make Y/N could ask for money everytime Jun Seo needed it.

He hasn't return the money he borrowed last time and now how could he return it if he's asking for even more money?

Moreover, she knew exactly that Jimin hated her and her family. How could Y/N able to ask?

She knew her condition too. It's not like they married because of love. At that time, she was just obeying Jun Seo's demand to marry Jimin because of her mother was crying in front of her.

That year, Jun Seo wanted to make connection with Park Family, so he always wanted to introduce her to Jimin, but nothing happened, Jimin didn't even lay his eyes on Y/N. At the end, for achieving his ambition, Jun Seo just put drug in his and her wine.

Until now, she completely remember what happened after that. When she woke up, Jimin looked at her full of rage and full of disgust.

That following month, Jun Seo continuously brought her to Park Family to make trouble, to make Park Family gave them an explanation, until she was told that she was pregnant.

Park family continuously opposed toward Jimin and Seulgi's relationship, in Grandma's eyes, even though Y/N's was a mistress' daughter, but she was better than that singer. So she forced Jimin to marry Y/N.

When that happened, Y/N wanted to rebel, wanted to escape the wedding, but her mother just take a knife and threatened to cut her wrist. She said if Y/N didn't follow their order, she would kill herself in front of her.

So, how could she rebel?

Those painful events was very unbearable, Y/N didn't really want to remember.

When Jun Seo heard her rejection, his face changed into a unpleasant emotion. "You haven't even tried, how can decline? Jimin is your husband, you can ask him anytime."

"You can ask him by yourself."

Jun Seo punched the table out of anger. "Y/N, this would be the last time I say it. You go ask Jimin."

Y/N stood up and with the same answer. "Sorry, but I can't."

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