Chapter 27

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Blame her? Y/N laughed agonizedly. She was already used to be apathetic toward it these past few years, she didn't mean to and it wasn't her attention but now she already felt nothing.

Jun Seo was certainly would always be the most important person in Shin Ji's life, not her.

Krystal called Y/N while she was driving out of Song's family house, she asked for Y/N's help in the studio, moreover today was christmas day, she needed to give some people in the studio some awards and gifts.

"Okay, I will arrived in a short while."

"Y/N, happy birthday." Krystal said before she hung up: "Later on I will bring your present too."

Y/N startled for awhile, she just remembered that today is her birthday, she really didn't remember it.

"Thank you." Y/N hung up the phone and drove her car to the studio.

After examining the financial matter, she sat down in the office room. She took out her phone and called Jungkook, she wanted to ask him about the money hoping he could take the money back.

"Y/N, I was about to call you, happy birthday." Jungkook said with a gentle voice.

"Thank you Kookie..."

He was about to say something but Y/N was already asking: "Anyway did you ask your people to transfer the money to my father's account?"

"No..." Jungkook also sounded somewhat surprised: "Your father already got the money?"

"Yes." Y/N held the pen while playing with it, thinking who was it: "He received the money this morning. But you said you didn't transfer it, then..."

Could it be Jimin?

In her mind appeared Jimin's name, but she hurriedly denied it, how was it possible? First, he was against and opposed to lend some money. Moreover, in his eyes, we Song Family were greedy and never satisfied, how could he ever wanted to help the one he hated the most?

But if this money was not from him, then who was it from?

She leaned on the chair, thought about it for a quite some time she but still couldn't understand it.

All Jimin saw when he opened his eyes was strikingly similar little face as him.

He used his hand to stroke Joon Min's forehead: "Why did you wake up this early?"

"It's not that early anymore Dad." He used his little hand to lift the blanket: "Dad, where is mom?"

Jimin looked toward his side, there was no one. What time was Y/N wake up?

"She is not downstair?"

"No, she is not." Joon Min shook his hand: "Where did mom go this early? I want to be the first one to say happy birthday to her...."

"Today is Y/N birthday?" Jimin pulled the sheet to cover his waist.

Even though Joon Min was only three years old, but he always smart, his memory was also a good.

"Yes." Joon Min sat on the bed, swayed his little leg: "Mom's birthday is in christmas day."

He noticed that Jimin didn't wear anything when he pulled the sheet: "Why are you not wearing anything Dad?"

Jimin was startled thinking about the activity he did last night and then said "It was hot, so I took my clothes off."

Joon Min was confused: "But it's winter."

Jimin was quiet, didn't know what to say but Joon Min was excited about his mom's birthday and asked Jimin: "Dad, what is your present for mom?" Joon Min raised his handsome face to look at his father.

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